Hi A..
How does he do during naps?
Does he sleep in his crib for naps?
I started letting my daughter sleep in her crib at 8 months, my son at 7 months. I know the older they get the harder it becomes. I've heard some people mention a book for toddlers for the sleeping.... Maybe someone will mention it.
Do you lay him down and then he wakes up?
Tell me more of what you're doing.
My Dr told me once that if I allow them to fall asleep in my arms or bed and then move them, it is a million times worse than laying them down awake because then they wake up startled and scared to be somewhere else.
Once I believed her ;) I tried it and it did work much much better.
My son is a great sleeper, it is very rare that he wakes up at night since the beggining.
My daughter has always been a very light sleeper and at 21 months we still have struggles where she wakes up screaming. We lay her back down and she's fine, back to sleep, but somebody has to go in and it happens a couple of times a night, in the middle of the night... uuggrrr its exhausting.
She does go down awake, no problem.
Do you go in and try to get him back to sleep without picking him up?
One other thing that has made somewhat of a difference is leaving a very dim light on at night. Sometimes the hall light, she doesn't seem to freak out as much if she can see. Maybe there's some babies that get scared more easily....
Let me know a little more of your routine and I'll try to give you some suggestions of what has worked for us.