1 Yr Old Is Now Waking up 2 -3 Times a Night, Was Just 1 Time

Updated on August 30, 2012
K.J. asks from Los Gatos, CA
10 answers

Have any of you had this issue? My just now 1 year old is walking up 2 to 3 times a night. This is her routine bed by 8:00 - 8:30 with a 6 oz bottle. I give her a 4 oz at 11:00 before I go to bed, wakes up about 12 or 1:00, 2:30 wakes up an dI give her 4 oz, wakes up at 6:00 and will only sleep on me. When I put her down for bed, I have to put her down asleep or he will cry so hard she throws up. I don't know if she is walking up because she's looking for me, she didn't do this about 1 month ago, she was only waking up 1 time and sleeping till 7:00 or 7:30 ish. She just started walking and was wondering if that had anything to do with it. I for get who told me long ago but babies will go through a hard time sleeping when they learn to walk or talk I can't remember and I have never heard it since.
Also she shares a room with 5 yr old brother so crying it out is hard since he has to get his sleep.
I need to know why this is happening and what to do if any thing. I hoping it's just a short phase.
I need to get some rest. I feel like I have a new born again.
Thanks for you help on this.

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answers from Atlanta on

Well... K., I am really wondering why you are feeding your 1 yr old at night. At all??? I am sure you have spoken to your Ped. about night feedings. Unless there is a underlying issue. He/she gets a bottle every time they wake, why wouldn't they wake up to be fed on demand. They don't need to eat at night they need to sleep. I would reconsider what you are doing and why. He/she shouldn't even be using a bottle. I hope that these bottles aren't being left for her to drink and fall asleep with. But from what you said "give her the bottle," thats what it sounds like.
My 14 month old sleeps from 8-8, no bottles. Her weight is fine, if thats what worries you. She does wake up a few times during the night from time to time. Other times I don't hear a peep until morning. When she does wake up I go in and comfort her. Rub her back, give her her blanky, paci, sometimes talk to her quietly, then leave. I keep it short, and don't take her out of her bed. She understands its bedtime.
I think your daughter knows that if she wakes up she gets you and a bottle. The more you give in the more she will do it.
I hope you get a lot more advice on the subject, maybe other mothers know something more about what is going on. I don't think this is just a phase... but thats my opinion.

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answers from San Francisco on

Hi K.-
that sounds just like my son, he is 17 months old and still wakes up sometimes for a bottle. he has slept in our bed since birth and I tried to get him to sleep in his brib he became so hysterical that he threw up too. I think and agrees that they do it because they can. she is used to waking up and knows she will get a bottle, it's a habit and until you break the habit by letting her cry it out which she will eventually get it she won't learn to sleep through the night for a while.
I don't think it has anything to do with her walking, it's just something she learned to do.
if you decide to "break the habit" let us know how it goes.
good luck




answers from Stockton on

try ditching the 2nd nap and moving naptime a little later so it's in the middle of her day.
Crying it out usually only lasts 3 days - get a book- Ferber or the Sleep Lady work well.
She doesn't need to have any bottles after bedtime - she's not an infant. She should start chowing during the day if you take a way the PM calories. Also bottles are bad for her teeth at night/naps.
Basically you have to come up with a plan, stiffen your resolve and stick to your guns. She's crying because she isn't getting her way - not because she is traumatized. You created her current routine so you need to teach her a new one. Watch an episode or 2 of Supernanny or Nanny 911 - when you see parents with 7 year olds in their bed it'll scare you straight. ;0)



answers from San Francisco on

I just wanted to say I feel like I have a newborn again and he is 15 months old! He has only slept through the night a couple times. It was a few months or so he started waking up more than once a night. I am still nursing him at night. That is the problem I guess. I felt bad for him last night because he's sick and I thought he was going to throw up. I hate to let him cry and not just because it's hard to hear him cry (he will for 1 hour or more), it ruins my sleep and my husband and I have to work. It's always the same story though. I nurse him at night because he's teething or I think some loud noise scared him .. etc.
You are not alone, but maybe the tougher moms have it right. I don't think our babies need to be feeding at night.



answers from Sacramento on

Hi K.,
I HIGHLY recommend reading Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child by Dr. Marc Weissbluth for age appropriate sleep needs and schedules. He is an expert on sleep.

A couple of things: First of all, she doesn't need any food during the night at this age and is using the bottle to help her go back to sleep. Ditch the middle of the night feedings for her teeth's sake, if nothing else, and start fazing out bottles all together. Try offering only water in a bottle and milk/juice in sippy cup. Second thing, it sounds like she is overtired due to too late a bedtime. Does she have the same bedtime as your 5 yr old? A 1 yr old needs an earlier bedtime. Realize too, that she if she has started walking she will be more tired.

At 1 yr old, a good schedule is:naps at 9am and 1pm (most 1 yr old still nap twice though AM nap MAY start to disappear) bedtime at 6-7pm and wake up at 6-7am. If she isn't getting enough sleep during the day her night sleep will also suffer. 1 year olds need 14-16 hours of sleep each day. Teaching her self soothing skills is essential.

So, I would immediately move her bedtime earlier by AT LEAST 1 hour and put her down for regular naps if not already doing so. You may have to move her brother out of the room until you have "trained" her (and yourself) to go back to sleep unassisted. I can't stress enough how important it is for the whole family to be well rested. If you can sync her sleep times with her biological rhythms she will sleep better.



answers from Bakersfield on

Hi K.-
I don't know if this is it, but my sisters son just turned one year a few weeks ago, and within the last week and a half, has been having severe separation issues with his parents and family. He didn't used to. But now he cries when they leave him at day care, when one of them goes to the store and he is not there, etc. He even starts screaming and crying if one of them trips and falls or- get this- jumps into the pool from the diving board and disappears under water. He loses it! His parents are suddenly gone and he is not ok! He does cry a little when my sister puts him down, but she feeds him a full 8 oz bottle and 1-2 solids about an hour before bed. The only thing he gets before the next morning is a snack- veggie puffs or wagon wheels, and he is not hungry. He wakes when he has lost his pacifier and can't find it or when he has decided he is done sleeping, but usually not too often.
Does your baby sleep with a pacifier? I wonder if you should not wake her to feed her, but try to feed her more at bed time and then let her sleep until she wakes. I also know this sounds horrible, but sometimes you have to let her cry a bit. More than 10-15 minutes is too long, but sometimes it takes 5-10 minutes and they curl up in their beds and go to sleep.
My thought is she is going through some kind of separation anxiety. It is a phase and she will grow out of it.
I hope this helps.
-E. M



answers from San Francisco on

The same thing happens with my baby as well She's usually hungry and I think it might be a growing phase as I usually give her some milk and then she just goes back to sleep Sometimes she stays up a little and then sleeps again Usually she sleeps really well I still think it's because she's hungry or maybe teething and she's just started walking as well so is doing a lot more exercise



answers from San Francisco on

Babies do go through phases and changes in their sleep and it's a good idea to read up on this. I highly recommend "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child". Even if you don't agree with Dr. Weissbluth's sleep training methods ("Cry it out"), his research on sleep from birth to age 12 is excellent and informative. When babies are just getting the hang of a new major skill - hello! Walking! - they may have a hard time being still. They want to practice their new tricks!
HOWEVER, this doesn't mean they should be up at night. I'd recommend you try these steps. Stop the 11pm bottle asap. Extend your bedtime soothing routine to include bath with tiny amount (2 drops is all you need) of purest quality lavender and/or chamomile, quiet time, rocking, reading, singing, etc. with less reliance on bottle. Move baby's bedtime up a bit earlier. Sleep begets sleep.
If you're comfortable with this, I also suggest you ignore her cries for at least 20 min. You may be pleasantly surprised to hear her stop and soothe herself back to sleep on her own. She may need to practice and learn how, and that requires you facilitating this by letting her do so on her own. I know this isn't for everyone though. It worked for us like a dream but I know some moms don't agree with letting their baby cry.
Also, is she teething? A dose of Ibuprofen before bed might help as well, if your ped. agrees.



answers from Fresno on

It could definitely be the walking thing (or teething)that is changing her schedule, but it sounds like she has never learned to self soothe. She is eating in the night when she doesn't need to. I have 2 girls and both stop eating at night by 6 weeks old (exclusively breastfed). My 6 month old has a bottle at 6:00 and then doesn't eat again or wake up until 6:30. Giving her the 11:00 bottle is not helping her sleep since she wakes up 1-2 hours later, so I would try to cut out the association between sleep and food. She needs to be put down drowsy and awake to learn good sleeping habits. She may have a fit, but it will only last a few days and then she will realize that she is not the boss and bedtime is bedtime. It will be hard at this age to help her self soothe since they can really fight you on going to bed now, but if you don't let her cry this will only get worse and you won't get a good nights sleep. At 1 years old, they know that if they cry they will get attention then it will continue. Also, have you tried putting her down earlier (around 7:30) sometimes moving their bed time back helps them sleep better. Good Luck with everything.



answers from Sacramento on

Sounds like teething to me. If you haven't checked her gums yet, I would, you could give her something to help the pain before she gets used to her new routine & wears momma out!! Good luck!

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