This makes me smile, I am sorry, BB,
because I AM THE ONE who had a bottle until I was 5 years old.
Nothing wrong with me, and you do not have to do it if you feel it's not right, because it is your kid and your decision, but my story started from the fact that when I was 7 DAYS old I was placed to orphanage.
At my 9 months old, my father's Godmother- myGodlyGrandmother saved me from that place, and I definitely was not breastfed.
I remember the bottle story because when I was 5 years old, my parents decided to take me bac into their family and they were the ones who took this warm cozy bottle away from me. I REMEMBER not sleeping most of the night crying through my misery of losing my Grannies (as there were 4 of them there, all sisters who I lived with), AND my warm bottle of sweet milk. By that time nobody had to get up when I woke in the middle of night to go 'podie', I knew to pull the night-pot out from under my bed on my own, and I could not understand why all this disaster needs to happen, at all.
When I raised my three kids, I did NOT give them a bottle, but I did not let them cry - we somehow sorted things out without disastrous feelings on both sides.
It is always a challenge, and a creative approach because the reason why kids are not born with a manual - every human being is totally unique, and needs a very special individual approach!
I'd pray for the right approach, and listen to what your heart will tell you to do! FEEL DEEP while thinking reason, too!
Many best wishes to both of you!