My daughter will do this. We found that she will eat only if she can hold her spoon/fork herself! So I let her hold them and she makes a mess...and sometimes everything ends up on the floor. I got a bowl with a big suction cup on the bottom to keep it in place. I hold a second spoon and try to feed her as she is trying to feel herself. She is now almost 17 months and is getting very good at using a fork/spoon....and now she is slightly less prone to throwing everything down as well. What I noticed from my son who is now 6 is that this is just a normal stage. They love knocking things over. So...we build towers just for her to knock down. Just the other day she actually tried to build a tower! I was happy to see that! My son didn't try that till over age 2 (boy, he loved destruction. Every book had to be knocked off the shelf and every toy spilled out of the bin with him). Anyway, hang in there. It slowly gets better with the "destructo-baby mode".