Every person/pregnancy is different. I am 26 weeks prego with #3 and I started showing (enough so others noticed) around 21/22 weeks. I am petite, so I thought I'd show sooner, but that was not the case. Relax:)
I have two healthy daughters after two great pregnancies. I had a missed miscarriage in December 09. I had one cycle and then got pregnant again. I've heard the heart beat at 7 weeks, 9 weeks, and on the doplar at 12 weeks. The thing is that with my 2nd, I was in maternity clothes at 10 weeks and my belly was already really hard. I'm 12 weeks now and still not in maternity clothes and my belly is not hard. Is this normal? I thought that you showed earlier with each pregnancy. I just had my first appt with the dr last thursday. Of course my actual dr was in a delivery so I saw his nurse practitioner. She felt my uterus and said it was fine, we heard a heart beat, etc. Am I just being paranoid? Has anyone else experienced a totally different pregnancy from previous ones?
I should have also mentioned that I am very petite. I gained 50 pounds with my first and 26 with my 2nd. When I was weighed at the dr office on Apr 22nd, I was 113. So from past experience, I balloon out pretty early but am not this time. I have a little pooch but am still in my reg pants but they are getting tight.
Every person/pregnancy is different. I am 26 weeks prego with #3 and I started showing (enough so others noticed) around 21/22 weeks. I am petite, so I thought I'd show sooner, but that was not the case. Relax:)
Hi H.! :)
I wouldn't worry too much. I was still in my normal jeans until about 16 weeks with this pregnancy and I've only started wearing maternity shirts the past month or so just because the belly is getting big enough that i don't want to stretch out my regular shirts. I'm almost 25 weeks now.
I know it's so easy to be concerned with all these little things after having a miscarriage. I actually bought a fetal doppler off Amazon just so i could listen to the heart beat between doctor's visits. And it's easily been the best $70 i've spent! Whenever i get concerned that things aren't ok, i can listen to her heartbeat and get great comfort from that.
Each pregnancy is different. Even though it's easier said than done, try not to worry. Hang in there!
Yes, you are being paranoid. But rightly so. It is normal to worry about your baby. Try to relax. There was a heartbeat, uterus is fine... Good Luck!
You are Scared...I have been there, done that. I had three healthy boys, then waited 10 years and got pregnant. That pregnancy ended in miscarriage. I quickly got pregnant again, and had a healthy easy pregnancy at 40. What made it difficult was I was scared, everytime I went to the bathroom I watched for spotting, everytime the baby did not move as much as I thought she should, I got scared. Even after the 12 week mark, I was constantly worried about miscarriage. You are doing great. My stomach was never what you would call "hard" with Hannah. It was always soft and squishy. I thought it was my age and all that my body had been through with three previous full term pregnancies. My baby was healthy and happy. I did not wear maternity clothes until after my 4th month. I have a much younger friend who just gave birth in January and she was the same way. This was her first baby and she never got the "hard" stomach. She was soft and squishy also, although, she had the "perfect" pregnancy belly and was very cute. Every pregnancy is different.
I know it is hard, but try to relax and enjoy the pregnancy and the experience.
each one is different. My first I grew bigger faster and was in maternity clothes at 3-4 months, 2nd was wearing my clothes until around 5 months, 3rd one which I miscarried at 15 weeks wasn't showing yet at all. 4th one didn't show a lot until 7 or 8 months and most people weren't asking me if I was pregnant until I was a month from my due date so each one can be different. I also lost the baby weight fast after the last one and got smaller than pre-pregnancy weight which was amazing because I really didn't work at it that much but years later have gained weight and working on losing it now lol. If everything is looking good and the doctor says everything is going well then have faith that everything is going well. Some babies gain a lot more in the last few months.
my kids weighed 7 lbs and 6lb12oz at birth and were all at least 2 weeks early.
I have 8 grown children and each pregnancy was different. Some I stuck out in front more, some carried the baby more in the back and 3 were breach so they were high and different too. Just like they tell you the more you have the quicker they are born, not always true at all, you carry them different. If you hear a heartbeat please try to just relax and enjoy the pregnancy. I think the baby can pick up on your stress and worry. I hope things go well for you and maybe this one is a boy.
Yes, each one is so different! This is my third pregnancy, and I'm definitely the biggest with this one, but my second pregnancy, I hardly showed at all! I ended up losing about 20 pounds during my first trimester. It was crazy!
As long as the doctor says everything is fine, don't let your body's reaction to this pregnancy fool you into anything.
Good luck!
My first pregnancy I didn't show until I was almost 8 months, even though I gained over 50 pounds. I'm still not sure how I carried that off. My second pregnancy I also gained 50 pounds and was showing at about 4 months. And my last pregnancy I only gained 15 pounds and nobody knew I was even pregnant until I started getting my maternity leave set up...at about 8 months. Try not to worry...I know easier said than done. I think you're perfectly normal. :) Best of luck and congrats!!!
Well i think that all woman and pregnancies are different but I can say that for me I didn't show any sooner with my second. Actually I was thinner when I got pregnant my second time (like 115 lbs) and I didn't start wearing maternity clothes until I was about 21 weeks along. My baby girl was totally healthy and I didn't have any problems with my pregnancy. So I think you are fine and just count yourself as one of the lucky ones that won't look pregnant for a while still :)
Oh my goodness, yes! My first baby, nobody could tell I was pregnant until 7 months. I wore my same jeans and everything. Then at 7 months I got HUGE. I mean, really gigantic. Weighed more than my husband! With my second baby, it was totally different. At about 4 months it looked like I'd swallowed a grapefruit. By the time she was born, it was more like I'd swallowed a basketball. But I carried all in front, unlike with baby #1.
I wouldn't worry - I think it was more unusual that your first two pregnancies were so similar! Congrats on your baby-to-be!
I think everyone is just different. I am 32 weeks tomorrow and people are just starting to really notice my belly at work...That to me is so crazy to be starting my 8th month and people just now are asking me if I'm pregnant. I am still in jeans...I bought a maternity shirt but have yet to use it...it's way too huge. I just wear some of my bigger tee's for now. I know I am starting to get bigger so probably by the end of May I'll really be sticking out...but also I am almost 6'0...and the doctor says my height allows me to hide the baby with ease because she's got so much room in there. My belly feels hard some days, and squishy some days. Maybe its the way she's laying in there.