Get him on Magnesium citrate or Magnesium malate. Many times what is labeled ADD or ADHD is simply a magnesium deficiency. Then you can try to wean him off the drug.
Add vit b complex drops daily, under the tounge.
Heavy metal overload can cause behavior issues and social anxiety. Iron supplements, high grain diets(processed foods), food colorings, Lead ingestion, mercury vaccines, etc. Alpha Lipoic Acid can chelate, and so can NCD Zeolite. Just know that as the metals are released, aggitation will increase. (because the toxin is an irritant to the nervous system). be patient.
Fulvic acid can help increase mental health because it treats trace mineral deficiency.
If you are living in a depressed or high crime/gang area - children will be more agressive, otherwise they will be eaten for dinner at school. That could be a factor.