My son, 22 mo, went through the same thing. He could get through the day but was not a happy guy around dinner. Obviously tired, but too late to nap. He would just play through his nap time and show no sleepy signs. This started just after he turned a year. So I just decided somewhere between 4-6 hours after waking he would take a nap. I got black out curtains, found a nice CD, used a fan for white noise, and just took him to his room. Changed his diaper prior, in the living room (first sign of naptime) and took him into his darkened, lullaby room. At first he wasn't crazy about the idea but quickly took to it and he is still napping, sometimes 3 hours a day. There may be times when he doesn't need so much rest or would rather power through it, but there have definitely been other times when he truly needs a nap and I didn't want to get rid of it, knowing these phase they go through make him need a nap (and so do I... to clean/rest/watch a movie). I always seem, even now, to bring him to his room with no sleepy signs, but he takes a nap none-the-less. Score one for "mother knows best"!