This "ugly" phase starts long before you expected it to. At around 15 months we just stopped taking our son to restaurant unless they were absolutely "kid friendly", and we only take them for the early seating...like 5, before he can disturb anyone. It just stopped being fun, and we couldn't justify spending the extra money at a restaurant when only one of us could eat at a time. At this age Waiting is pure torture, and their attention span is very short. If you have to take him out, bring distractions. Play doh, coloring books, books, magic eraser toys...etc...
Try diaper changing where he is playing, and let him continue playing with the toy he was playing with before (in his opinion) he was so "rudely" interrupted. And try to be super quick.
However if none of these work, just say tough luck kid, im doing it, and ignore the behavior. They get better at it. Distractions and ignoring their complaints are usually the best way to handle it, as punishments and consequences at this age can escalate the situation, and really aren't worth it.