-So how did you find out?
-Did you and your Husband sit down with her and talk about it? Encourage open communication so that she doesn't 'hide' things from you and as she gets older.
- Keep in mind that at this age, hormones are kicking in. Already. They make-out and grope each other. Not all kids, but they do.
- Did you explain to her, about her body and that it is her body? That no boy can make her do anything and to speak up... when things are uncomfortable?
- Boys this age, as I have read, can already be 'controlling' and/or make girls feel insecure. Some girls just want to be liked and try to be like others. Teach your Daughter to be her own person.... not to be a "Follower" etc. And NOT just to do, whatever the Boy says to her or asks of her.
- Teach her, appropriateness and what is inappropriate... about her body and emotions.
- kids this age, do 'group' outings of mixed gender. But, bear in mind (thinking back when I was that age), that kids can be wily AND sneaky. Sometimes... even in group outings, some 'couples' will separate, and go off and do whatever. Then at the time of when their parents pick them up, they are back with the group. All unknown to the parents. Kids, do this. They go off on their own, separate from the group, and make-out or whatever. Know that.
- kids this age, do not have 100% full wisdom nor ability on how to manage their emotions, hormones, and body urges. So, talk to her about this. No matter how mature or not, she may be.
The human brain, is not even fully developed, until 26 years old.
- Kids this age, do not even know, what a 'relationship' is. It is all impulses and floundering around.
At that age, my parents said no, to 'relationships.' NO way.
- at this age, 'relationships' is all about physicality. And making-out. Whether you know about it, or not.
- Just because her friends' parents are allowing things, does not mean, you/your Daughter 'has to' do that same thing. You TEACH your daughter this. Explicitly.
Otherwise, she will use that rationale, against you/Hubby, all the time.
Saying to you "Well Jane's parents let her.... "
- And, why have you NOT met the boy's parents, yet???? That is one of the first things to do.