No, anyone with a stomach virus and vomitting should not drink milk.
My son threw up tonight with a mixtue of bad diarhea. He wouldn' eat dinner which I'm okay with. But should I still try to give him his night milk sippy???
Well before we knew it, the little guy was sippy down an entire sippy cup of his milk - before I read my responses. I hope it stays down. We just had the stomach bug fly threw this house in December, I can't go through it again... I'll keep you informed if the milk stays down.
No, anyone with a stomach virus and vomitting should not drink milk.
Not unless you want to clean it up! :) stick with clear liquids
Don't do it. I learned this lesson the hard way when I had the stomach flu a couple of years ago. All I wanted was a milkshake. Against my husbands objections, I made him go get me one. Boy was I sorry. It came back up very quickly and was not fun. I read later that milk is the worst thing you can give with a stomach bug. Clear liquids. If he does okay with that then the brat diet for a while--bananas, rice, applesauce, and dry toast.
No. When they have diahrrea you have to stick to the BRAT diet- Bananas, rice, applesauce and toast. No dairy. Hope he feels better soon.
I wouldn't do it. Milk is the worst think you can give with an upset stomach. Clear liquids...and of course Ginger Ale! And nothing real heavy on his stomach! Crackers, soup, etc. ..... Hope little man feels better & GOOD LUCK!