Homeopathic "Silent Nights" sleep spray. It works awesome and is 100% safe for babies. Go to Lifewave.com/kherihealth to order.
My 15th month old has always been a really good sleeper. He was sleeping through the night about 6 months.Recently he has been waking up 2-3 times a night. Some times he goes right back down and others i have to rock him. What is going on? Is he hungry, cold, hot, teething. I don't know. Has any one be through this or have any suggestions? We have a great bed time ritual and he goes down very easily about 7:00. Help!
Homeopathic "Silent Nights" sleep spray. It works awesome and is 100% safe for babies. Go to Lifewave.com/kherihealth to order.
I remember when my daughter was about 6 mos. old and sleeping good through the night, she started waking up a lot. We just couldn't figure it out. Then, something clicked, and we figured out it was getting colder out - fall had arrived, but we didn't really think about it because it didn't get colder in the house until late at night. Once we put warmer jamies on her, she slept through the night again.
My son did that and he had a severe ear infection. He never showed any of the regular signs of ear infection so I didn't take him to the ped. Finally he started running a fever. Once we cleared up the infection he slept. He also does it when he is teething.
My son did the exact same thing. It started at around 15 months and then throughout the next month he began giving up his nap. He had always been a great sleeper and I was really frustrated with all the nighttime wakes and lack of naps. A mom from this website recommended a DVD/book called Sleep Solutions at Sleepyplanet.com. It was the best thing ever! My son is now 20 months old and sleeps all night long (again!) and his naps are between 2 and 3 hours long when it used to be just an hour and a half before he started giving it up. I'm so glad we did it and I will recommend it to anyone who is interested. My son, at 15 months, was beginning to get rebellious and I think the nightwakes mirrored that, somehow. Anyway, he is sleeping amazing now. It took three or four hard days of sleep training for older toddlers and I remember thinking that I didn't want that to be my new parenting style but after just a few days, things changed drastically! We also got one of those video monitors to help. Not sure if that will help you or not but it was amazing for us!
You're lucky he's been a good sleeper since 6 months old, so I can understand why this is not the norm for him or you.
Kim brought up all the various reasons why they wake sometimes. So try trouble shooting those.... it could be that he is simply hungry... after all, at 15 months old, their intake does increase, and at certain developmental periods, they just simply change... in cognition, physically, and in abilities. So just this alone, can sometimes stir their usual sleep pattern. It's normal. And yes, sometimes it is just hunger. Try feeding him... during growth spurts they DO wake more.
I would advise, just keeping to your usual pre-sleep/nap routines and times. Just keep consistent. Usually, these things are phases, that will pass. It's normal as well.
My kids had "night terrors" from about this age... this too is a normal developmental phase they go through.
But, keep in mind that a baby's or child's sleep patterns are NOT static... they Do change. Just as adults. I'm sure we don't sleep the same as when we were babies. It fluctuates.
Also, they go through things like separation anxiety too. Which even during the middle of the night, they want to know where you are and see you etc.
Also, check to make sure he isn't ill or anything... usually, this wakes them more and they get clingier at these times.
!5 months is an age in which a baby makes a lot of developmental leaps... it is another growth spurt time... and as far as my children were concerned, this is the period when they had hiccups in their sleep and when they changed a lot. A baby is constantly changing... each month.
Try make sure he has a good feeding before you put him down. You can try that as well. My son was/is a voracious feeder...and at growth spurt periods, he'd wake more and he'd nurse forever or down a full 9 ounce bottle in one sitting non-stop... in the middle of the night. I would wake to feed him. During these times, he wouldn't go back to sleep by himself and he'd continue to wake until I fed him. So this is when I KNEW he needed more intake. Then after a full tummy, he'd go right back to sleep. Content.
I think it is just one of those usual phases. It should pass.
All the best,
Hi B., a baby/child waking up at night doesn't nesscecerly mean there is something wrong, A 15 month old should not need to be fed in the middle of the night, most 15 month olds are on table food and eat with the family at dinner, maybe cereal right before bed time, but not a feding during the night. If you are getting up with him, he will continue to wake up becasue he knows you will get up, and then you just allowed a habit to form. If you live her in the San Diego county area I doubt that he is cold, he may be warm, so at night dres him accordely, but if you stop getting up with him he should goback to sleeping through the night. J. L.
Hi B.,
It could be teething, but it could also be night terrors. I think this is when my son went through stuff like this. Soothing and rocking worked, and he went back to sleeping through the night just fine after a period of time. I did not start feeding him--I did not want him to think that it was a mealtime in the middle of the night all of a sudden!
Good luck!
:-) D.
B. I had the same thing going on with my daughter around that age and then again when she got closer to 3 years old. For me it lasted a couple weeks. I found that if I made sure she ate a good dinner and I changed her bedtime to 8:00 p.m. that she would get tried more and sleep through the night. One of the things I realized to is that they are getting more active around that age. It takes more now to get them tried, so I fill her day with going to the park for a couple hours in the morning and she takes a good 2 hour nap. Also after the nap I give her a snack and play ball or we do art projects, preschool activites, things of that nature. My daughter loves to read but it stimulates her and does not whind her down. So I have to come up with other things for her to do. It is hard being a first time mom and not knowing if this is normal, but it is and a lot of kids go through this stage. Hope this helps.
You are going to have to find the reason why hes waking up and wanting you. I've heard night terrors can start around 14 months...so maybe hes having some bad dreams? Maybe hes not getting enough to eat during the day? Is he really eager to eat in the morning? When mine dont get enough to eat they are overwhelmingly hungry in the morning. Could he be cold? Try putting some socks on him at night to keep his feet warm and of course pjs with pants and not shorts if you think he might be cold. He could be teething...have you checked for his molars? Those are supposed to hurt! Have you tried teething tabs? Is he getting an upset tummy from something new you are feeding him? You could try some gripe water. Maybe he is just testing you to see if you will come. Hard to say.