When you find a hospital with an "ask a nurse" line place the phone number in a prominent place where you can find it anytime. Call today to the line and get to know whether you have a real problem for it's normal.
Also for great help as your child gets older and gets into things you can't imagine he might find and keep the number of the national poison control line.
My neighbor's child fed herself an entire bottle of aspirin. How she got the lid off nobody knows. We lived way out in the country.When the nurse told her to make her 2 yr old vomit (sometimes you should not have them vomit) she drove right over to me as she knew I would stock Ipecach (sp) syrup. I always keep every thing around for an emergency medical kit. Every mother should have one.
I know I answered more than the question. However, you can keep the information for future reference.