Ha ha.. I had to laugh reading this one... good luck...that's when mine started doing it too and I don't htink he's had a vegetable in over a year now...
OK, I take that back, he actually likes to eat the tops off of raw broccoli??? I can't get the kid to eat a green bean to save his life but he'll chow down on some broccoli!
My doctor told me there are 3 options -- 1) feed only what YOU want them to eat... if they don't eat it... either serve it to them again at the next meal or just hold your ground 2) mix up what you want them to eat inside what they WILL eat... hide it or 3) let them eat what they will and make sure they get "x" amount of milk per day and take 1/2 a multivitamin
When they get old enough to understand it... you can do the "this is your dinner" or "you have to at least try it"...
I just don't see that happening though. :(