I had the same age spacing and this is what I found helped. Ist of all you do not want to push away the older one because she could get resentful of the baby. I would let my older one sit with us. Yes on my lap, too. All my older one wanted was to be part of the action, and to make sure I wsn't forgetting him. Sometimes, he got to burp the baby (Of course with him on my lap, holding the baby on him.) He usually lost interest pretty fast, once he realized all we were doing was sitting in one spot feeding, You will learn to time the baby's nursing to your older child's meals, too. Sometimes, if the older one wanted something, I would just pop my nipple out of the baby's mouth and grab what the older one needed. It usually took the baby a few minutes to realize there was no food forthcoming, and in that time, I could grab what the older one wanted and sit back down and start feeding the baby again. After all the baby didn't know what was going on, so he couldn't be resentfl of the older one. He might cry for a second but I was usually holding him so he got food. Sometimes it helps to have a basket full of special toys that your oldest can only have when you are feeding the baby, too/ Good lick, I survived and they ae now 6 and 5, and best friends...