I was actually going to say the same thing that Mary G. said. I would try putting him to bed earlier. My little girl was doing the same thing and even not sleeping through the night, and it worked for her. She was going to bed at about 7:30 so we went to 7 and it really helped. Even now sometimes if she doesn't get a second nap she wants to go to sleep at 6:30. Last night she was really tired and wanted to go to bed at 6:15! She really knows when she is tired! All that being said she always wakes up no matter what time she goes to bed at 7:30. That consistent wake-up time didn't start happening until we increased her bedtime by about 30 minutes (to 7). I know that sounds really silly to put him to bed early when he is waking up so early but you should really try it. Give it a few days and if it doesn't work, try something else. He probably won't wake up any earlier than he already does and you can't let fear of that happening prevent you from trying something that could be helpful to him.