I vote for he got bored with it. None of my kids were really into doing tricks for people for long.
He's been doing it for months and for the last few days he won't point to any body parts when asked. I don't know If he's sick of doing it and he's ignoring me. I'm pretty sure he knows what I'm asking. He doesn't seem any different, just that he won't do this. I must say its worrying me. Anyone deal with something like this with their LO?
I vote for he got bored with it. None of my kids were really into doing tricks for people for long.
I would drop it for a bit. If he has been doing it for months, and you are still asking him to show this "trick" to you, he is done with the dog and pony show.
He's bored with it.
If you want to test him, find a bigger challenge. Or just show him stuff, without asking him to repeat it for you.
If you are genuinely concerned that he has 'forgotten' and might be losing skills, then drop it for a week, and then (without him knowing) ask a friend to ask him to show her where ___ is the next time you see her. He'll probably show her (elbow, knee, ear, whatever). Just make sure you stick with one question, or he will be on to your new game, too.
ETA: As far as have I had to "deal with something like this"? At one point, which was when I realized "whoaaa... step back mom", my daughter started giving me wrong answers. Yeah... she knew the right answer all right.. she just was annoyed so she'd tell me what she knew to be the WRONG answer. Usually after ignoring my first request to answer... So, you really don't want to go that far. (This was more when she was about 2 1/2 and I think she was a little insulted I was asking her what color that was).
You know...little kids have short attention spans. At first, a new game, like pointing to body parts, seems fun and exciting and everyone thinks it cute. Then, the thrill wears off.
They get bored with it.
Sometimes, I think little kids are smarter than we are.
I honestly wonder if sometimes they are thinking, "How many times a day, for how many months, do you have to ask me where my belly button is? Seriously...I'm in trouble if YOU don't even know where it is by now."
I think your son is just tired of pointing to his body parts for you.
Try a new game like a picture book with chickens and cows and puppies or something.
Just my opinion.
Yep. He knows what they are and doesn't want to play that. He's probably thinking "I already told you that yesterday, why are you asking me again?" LOL
Try switching to colors.
Or pointing at YOUR body parts and asking what they are.
Or making animal noises and asking which animal it is (when you mix them up, the little ones always crack up!).
Don't worry so much.
He's bored with that game.
Find a new one.
he's probably thinking "are you stupid? how many times are you going to ask me this before you learn it?" ROFL as others have said, He's got it down and doesn't want to do it anymore, try something new.
Try colors, shapes, numbers, letters, whatever. He's ready for a new game.
He's just bored with that, teach him something new, like how to put his clothes away!
My son who is now 2.5 - we have always noticed that after he has something new mastered (like pointing to body parts, naming colors, saying what sound a certain animal makes, etc.) he is bored and won't answer us anymore when quizzed. It's just not new and exciting anymore. I wouldn't worry a thing about it!
My first thought? She's a first time mom! he's making you worry? that's his job for the next 20 some years. You just gotta embrace the craziness, vent about it here where we understand cuz we've been thru it.
He's given up on you :). If you don't know where his elbow is by this point, he has accepted you will never know it. Time to move on to new things.
He's 17 months old, not dumb. (Not trying to be harsh.) He's bored, he gets it, he knows. Time to teach him something new!! The reason why dogs don't get sick of the same tricks, is they get treats! Kids don't benefit, they just get bored.