As for ideas I don't really have any! We weren't very lavish with our celebration of 1 year of fun, we had close friends/family only. We made it a point to take a picture of our son w/ everyone who came to wish him a happy birthday (holding him or something) and then for thank you cards for attending or bringing a book we did homemade cards and for each thank you we put on the front of the card the picture of that person w/ our son.... we did a book only theme for gifts, asking if anyone brought gifts to bring books, and we went on and registered for books there (toddler type) who can't have enough books? We wanted gifts to be an option only, our son's birthday is right after Christmas, so we told everyone we were interested only in having fun, but if they did opt to buy a gift to bring a book! We also asked each person who came in the weeks prior to coming (close friends/family who know him) to write a special letter to our son for his time capsule (it could be to him personally, or just in general about the year he was born) and to bring one special item that marked that year in rememberance. Some brought news articles, some brought pictures of gas prices they took themselves... it's all in his time capsule where we also added his first paci, and his first socks and a few other goodies from year one, we will add each birthday to it so he will have a history of his life to open when he's 18.
I must say, it discourages me to see negative feedback on this forum. Each person has a different approach. If we were all the same, wouldn't the world be a boring place?? So then isn't it ok to do a birthday party if you want, and opt out if you want? Each person should do what works for them - I hope that you get alot of game ideas and keepsake item ideas like you asked and not alot of discouragement. Some replies read as if you posted 'should I or should I not have a 1st party?'.
Good luck and have fun with whatever you do!!