Oh, this is my worst hang up; my weakness. I'm the kind of mom who will give their baby, toddler, child, a little bottle (apx. 1-2 ounces) of water or milk, and then lay down next to them to fall asleep and snuggle while they sip themselves back to sleep again. And then, we just lay there sleeping for a while until my hip starts to hurt because the toddler mattress is too firm. I have even crawled into the crib -with all my children for a little snooze.
I have absolutely no good advice on this subject! I'm just too sleepy to try anymore.
Sometimes, my tricks work... and sometimes they don't. We just don't make any sense these days.
My longest running trick is to give them a sippy cup or bottle of water (1-2 ounces), lay them back down in the bed, say in a quiet and sweet voice, "Lay down and go ni-night," and walk away as they sip and doze off. But, then after a while, things change. Baby will then cry as soon as I walk away or throw the bottle down. She'll only sip it if I'm cuddling her in the crib/bed or rocking her as she sips. I seem to have babies that need to nurse themselves to sleep. Big suckers, but no passifiers.
I cave big time for these silly routines. But, I do think it's pretty common.
They have me wrapped around their finger (or cry). Even 15 minutes into the nap, if they detect that I'm not there - they wake up. I just bounce back and forth between the two all night long. I never know who's bed I'm going to wake up in by morning.
My only advice, if you'll take some from me at this point: the problem may be teething, they might need tylenol through the night, he might even have an ear or sinus infection that you are not aware of.
And here's the scary advice: Benedryl (only 1/2 the recommended dose). Both of my kids have allergies. The doctor recommended Benedryl-D because of the sinus medication in it. I use Clariton most often, but if we are having sleeping problems (like waking up every 2 hours through the night), I have (rarely) switched off of the Clariton to the Benedryl by night just because it has the side effect of drowsiness. My doctor even said, "if they are having sinus problems by all means, go ahead and use the Benedryl and if the sinus problems are interrupting their sleep, you get that benefit as well. It's better to give them a little extra rest than, end up with a sinus/ear infection." Hey, he said it. Then, we talked further about it being a little help as far as getting them out of a bad wake-up habbit after a stint of sickness, where I've been extra compassionate and attentive through the night.
Sorry, about that advice. I admit that I've done it, but, I do feel a little guilty afterward for liking the long naps so much.
And for those of you who might freak out about the Benedryl issue, because of the horror stories about babysitters and parents who overdose their chilren on it, killing them. Well, that's not the kind of use I'm talking about. I only used it on my daughter at night after using it during the day, several times, during really, really, bad allergy seasons. All kids have different reactions to the medicine. It's important to see how the child does on it during the day so you can watch over them (breathing/respitory) for unusual side effects.
Also, my little guy went through cancer treatment from 15 months old to two years old. He was given Benedryl for all kinds of reasons while in treatment. The most common use was to calm him down before hooking him up for a chemo treatment, other meds, blood transfusions, and medical procedures. We became very familiar with the 5ml purple Benedryl IV, or dispenser. They also had me use it at home on him. Both him and I became very comfortable with a very frequent use of the drug. So, I only share my opinion and advice based on such confidence in how it effects my children... and a lot of experience with them.
Maybe, my doctor's advice to me, will shed some light for you as well. And I apologize in advance if I've missed the mark completely.
Baby Whipped,
YM - I need to go take a nap before I get any more loose lipped.