This may sound a little harsh (and please forgive me in advance for everyone who disagrees!). My pediatrician (and many of the older family members--I cherish parenting advice from older generations, I really do), that if you do not offer the baby food, yogurt, crackers, etc., it is a FACT that he will not starve himself. Yes, it will get a little cranky and "loud" at first, but if it's just not available to him, he WILL choose to eat when he is hungry enough. You may see him skip ONE meal out of stubbornness (which I am sure will NOT hurt him a bit...) but he will come around and begin to eat what is available to eat. Again, I know it sounds harsh, but as long as you give into the behaviors that you don't like, you can't hope for it to change. I know food is at the heartstrings when you feel like you are starving him, but starving him would be if there physically was no food, not that there is food that he just isn't wanting to eat. I promise it will work with a day or two of willpower! Best of luck!