there are books and websites on Potty Training in one Day. you can do it with kids as young as 18 mo.
Dr. Phil used this on his show, i had forgotten until i looked it up. I used it with my second child and it was wonderful.
I would get a potty chair that is free standing, and place it in what ever room you spend the most time in, I put mine in the kitchen because it was close to the living room but had vinal flooring,
YOu can use a dolly to show the kids how to use the potty and then have the kids teach the baby doll,
Also give the child lots and lots and lots of liquids,
put them in undies--no pullups except for sleep,
take them potty at regular intervals (it might be something like every 15 mins)
if they do something praise them big, stickers, candy what ever.
if they pee in their pants, they clean it (you stand their with them and firmly but pleasantly Make them wipe, get the dry pants, mop up any messes on the floor, put the wet ones in the laundry, and wash their hands)
then they practice running to the potty from the point in the house where they had the accident- you just take them to the spot, then say, "practice, practice going potty" and if they don't run to the potty and pull down their pants, you take their hand and again pleasantly but firmly Make them do it.
after the first day or two they should have the idea, you may still have accidents for the next week or so, but if you stick to the "practices" and intervaled potty times ( gradually increasing from a half hour to an hour to two etc), they should get it and have it down pat. You may not get pooping right way but once they start peeing everytime and you are doing cartwheels for being so excited it should follow quickly. having them blow bubbles while they are pooping also helps.
Considering you have two, you could get two potty chairs a do both kids at the same time or you could start with one and then the other, OR maybe an even better idea, if you have someone, would be to have hubby,or grandma or whomever take one kid and you take the other.
This is intense, it means YOU have to work. YOU have to be Consistant. You can't leave the house for a few days and all you are going to be doing is running your kids to the potty. BUT if you want your kids potty trained by a deadline this is the way to do it. And it isn't mean, there is no yelling, no shaming them for accidents, just natural consequenses if they don't use the potty.
To all you potty training moms out there, GOOD LUCK They will get it eventually.