My soon to be 4 year old has had hearing aids in for a little over a year now. In the begining we seemed to have some issues with him keeping them in, or losing them. Honestly it was a struggle. I started telling him they were his magic ears- I never call them aids around him. By calling them his "ears" he began to assume that they were a part of him. Dont get me wrong, from time to time he does take them out when they squeek, and he would typically put them somewhere they couldnt be found. I had to let him know over and over that if he needs a break from them hand them to Mommy, so we wouldnt lose his magic ears. I use alot of positive talking, maybe some roleplaying too - He's a child. By making them Magic ears or super hero ears - it makes him feel special, not different or odd. Obviously this cant go on forever but it helps him now. Some people may disagree with what I tell him or make him believe but I know what works, and what's going to make him feel better about being the odd ball out. Now I've been keeping up with the "Magic Ears" and such since he first recieved them. A few months back a family member had seen something on the news and sent it to me, Im not sure if your son is into Superheros at this age but this is pretty incredible and I think it's well worth checking out...
The above article is amazing, and my son absolutely lit up when I showed him. It's worth a shot. I hope things get easier for you and your little one. We all want the best for our babies, it's just a bit trying to find a method that works well for you both. I found ours.. =)