I don't want to scare you either, but you have nothing to lose by getting your son evaluated, and I would definitely recommend it. If they find there to be trouble, early intervention is your best key to his happiness!! We have a little boy with something called Apraxia, this effects his oral motor skills and often all-over motor skills. His prognosis is great, he'll be typical at some point, but it had to be addressed for him to get the help he needed. You have a world of hope to gain by this eval., so please move forward, and let us know how it goes! Often these things are mistaken for a hearing issue and they just may not be, but it doesn't mean your child is any less than perfect. Our little boy is amazing, we couldn't love him more, he just has different challenges from most kids his age.
And you might just find out from the evaluation that it really is something simple like his ears!!
Please let us know what happens, we'll be thinking about you and your little one!