Take down the crib and put it away. EVERY time your toddler gets out of her toddler bed, put her back in with her lovey, paci, whatever she sleeps with. No hysterics, just lead her back and tell her "it is time to sleep". You must be consistent. Kids will see a weakness and make it into a gaping hole.
You must set up a very set, sleep time routine and not deviate. You may have to put up "block out fabric" over her windows this time of the year since it is not dark at nap or night bed times. Be sure to slow things down before nap and before bedtime.. I used to have to remind my husband, "as long as he riles her up, it will take double that time for him to calm her down".
No TV, no running, no tickling for at least half an hour before sleep time If you read her a book at any bedtime, this is not the time to ask her questions about the book. Read quietly and s-l-o-w-l-y. Get quieter and slower every page. Turn the air conditioner down an get a fan that has a nice hum, so it can blow over her...The white noise will also help her rest her mind.