The problem is that her brain works faster than her mouth can. This is normal at this age and it's normal for speaking ONE language. Your daughter is learning 3 of them.
Ratchet back on speaking so many languages in the home. Just speak one. Don't make a big deal out of her talking. If she points to something, say what it is in ONE language and give it to her.
Do this for a few months and see if things get better. If they don't, tell your ped that you want a speech/language evaluation with a qualified speech therapist who works with multi-lingual families. Lots of times your medical insurance will pay for an evaluation. Get the paperwork in advance and fill it out several days in advance so that you can spend time with it and think things though. The better you fill out the paperwork, the more they will be able to figure your daughter out.
Don't let the ped just say to wait until she's 3. There's a huge amount of brain development going on at this time, and having a qualified assessment done can help you manage this process. Speaking as a mother of a child who had speech issues, I know what I'm talking about, and I also know that not every pediatrician will pay attention to a mom who is worried about her child's speech. You do not have to let the ped tell you no...