We use the Evenflo Big Kid Deluxe Booster seat and love it! My daughter loves that it has two little lights that she can turn on and read (or whatever) in the car...not that we go out when its dark very often! But, she still loves having them to play with! Its a great seat and we have been very happy with it.
Arbonne products are great. The RE9 body care system is good for your whole body. And, for places like feet and elbows, the skin conditioning oil is excellent. And, for the Holidays, there is the Pampermint two-step system for feet...it is sooo awesome! It has peppermint in it, so it sort of tingles and soothes your feet. There is a scrub and a thick, creamy lotion...so awesome! If you send me your email, I can email you some before and after pictures of someone's heels using the RE9 body care system. Also, in November, I am having a Holiday party where we will be using the Pampermint system to give foot rubs. We will also have free chair massages and color analysis. So, let me know if you would be interested in that and I will send you an invite!
Good luck with the booster seat and the foot care! Oh, and I have heard those scraper things are bad for your feet. You can use pumice to get rid of reallt dry skin. You can either get a pumice stone, or one of a variety of products that have pumice in it (like Arbonne's herbal foot cream). Anyway, I would stay away from the scraper thing just to be on the safe side.
Good luck!