I found with both daughters that 7:30 was too late for them to get a good night's sleep. Babies have a different internal clock than we do as adults. I found that if I put my girls to bed at 6:00, awake but calm, they would fall asleep on their own and would stay asleep all night. Any later than that, and they'd wake up every few hours all night. Also if I put them down asleep, that was no good because then they'd wake up, and my only guess was that they'd be confused as to how they got there and would have no idea how to get themselves back to sleep. If you can get into the habit of putting him down calm but awake, he will learn to put himself to sleep. That way if he does wake up, it won't be a big deal to him. He will know how to calm himself down and fall asleep again.
Also, I'd try the calm-but-awake thing for his daytime naps as well. I found that if I scheduled naps within a 4-hour eat-play-sleep routine, that worked really well. For instance, baby wakes at 6am, eats, then stays awake until naptime at 9. Sleeps until 10, wakes up, eats, stays awake until 12, sleeps until 2. Wakes up, eats. Then around 5pm, have bath time, get ready for bed, eat, burp etc, then at 6pm, down for the night. If your baby can be in his crib awake and learn how to fall asleep on his own, this will solve MANY problems for you down the road, as well as he will probably sleep all the way through the night for you as well.
My other suggestion is, allow him to stay in his crib by himself after he wakes up. Being awake in bed is not the worst thing that could happen to a baby. Sometimes they even make a fair amount of noise, but are not really awake. Babies do go through a stage of very restless sleep before falling more deeply asleep. One of my daughters would even kind of sound like she was crying, but her eyes were closed! If I left her alone for a few minutes, she'd calm down and keep sleeping.
Anyway, just a few thoughts for you! I hope you find something that works!