My daughter was daytime potty trained at 2 1/2 (nightime can be a different kettle of fish, because a hormone, anti-diuretic hormone, is involved).
I used the bare bottom method. I realized this would work for her one even when she was running around in the back yard "bare-bottomed." She asked to come in to use the potty, so I knew she was ready.
She went to pre-school, where clothing is not optional. As soon as she got home, I would take off her pull-up or whatever she was wearing and she spent the afternoon that way naked from the waist down. I had a potty chair in the family room (so she could keep on playing) and one in her room. When she was 2 1/2 she went to panties and only had a few accidents after that (a couple of times because a classmate told her she wasn't allowed to use the bathroom). We did have a couple of set-backs. My husband couldn't recognize her potty dance (a box step), so she had a number of accidents when my mom died and I was away for a couple of days.
Also, let her watch a "potty" video. It may help her out. The advice that I got that worked for my daughter was potty in the family room, bare-bottomed, potty video. Also, there is a saying, start potty training at 20 months, you'll be done by 30 months. Start at 28 months, you'll be done by 30 months. Two and half is the age most girls (but not all) have it, not two like our mothers insist.