Its a phase.
You said she goes to bed a 6:30-7:00... and takes about 30 minutes to 1 hour to actually fall asleep.
Try putting her to bed a tad later....
She is taking awhile to 'wind-down' before actually falling asleep...
Before bed, make everything quiet and dark. Turn off the lights except for 1 dim light. Then do the getting ready for bed routine.
She is waking during the night... my kids did that too, sometimes. It was a phase. I merely told them they had to stay in their bed, cannot turn on anything... and don't interact with them. Make it BORING.
Once she gets up, quickly without engaging, put her back in bed. She will not do it on her own... being she is so young. So you have to direct her and do it for her.
My kids, after doing that, waking... at weird hours... would go back to sleep, with my egging them on. If I expected them to do it on their own, at 2:00am... they wouldn't. They didn't battle about it. I told them its still dark, not time to get up yet. And they'd go back to sleep.
Naps are still important. The daily naps have to be a regular routine.... or she has to have quiet time.
It will pass.
Most kids will sort of resist a nap... they want to keep on playing. But they ARE tired/fussy/cranky.
My kids still nap... and go to bed by 8:00-8:30 fine.
Intermittent sleep aberrations will occur... but it passes. Just keep to your regular sleep/nap routines.... but for your girl, BEFORE bedtime, try making bedtime a tad later... and beforehand, make everything quiet/dark/boring.... since she needs to wind-down first. It is 'transitioning' the child to sleep... prepping the atmosphere beforehand.
There have been many times, when once I got my kids wound down for bed and relaxed, then in comes Daddy/my Hubby and he starts playing with them. Then, all that bedtime prep, goes out the door, and then my kids 'wake up' again and not in sleep mode. So... don't do active activity before bed... it gets them too wired and over-tired... before bed.
Also, being over-tired, actually makes a kid NOT be able to sleep, nor fall asleep well, nor stay asleep well.
good luck, just some ideas,