By nine months my son had what looked like a thick line across his two upper front teeth and one next to it. At 2 and half he had three baby root canals and caps put on the three teeth. We decided against anesthesia so they "papoosed" him and gave him novacaine. It was horrible. He screamed and struggled the entire time. He hated dentists until he was 12 or so. It was a bad decision and one I regret. At three or four my daughter need a couple of fillings. This time we had her put under. It went quickly and with no problems.
Also we had my son's teeth done at Smile Care. Don't use them. They didn't do the root canals properly nor did they set the caps properly. The caps had to be replace several times because he bit through them. They finally said they would put metal ones on which I was against.
I went to another pediatric dentist, Dr. Halleh Shaheedy in Woodland Hills, who was wonderful. She redid the root canals (under anesthesia) and properly attached the caps when he was 4. They were fine until his permanent teeth came in.