I’m a Love and Logic mom and Facilitator, so to keep this simple w/o giving you a 6 week training course (lol) I'd like to suggest that you give her options you would be ecstatic about either way, use enforceable statements, don’t threaten with something you'll never do, it teaches her that she is really in control and that your word is not of gold.
So find a couple of options you could live with either way and let her choose.
Does this work over night, well any child worth keeping will pull fits and fight against you. This is your opportunity to teach her that your word IS gold. Use statements when she argues like "I know” over and over again, or even throw in there “I know, its hard" but say it over and over in a very sweet, calm, low tone voice. Eventually she will get the message that you are not up to argue, that her arguing is getting her nowhere.
Don’t argue, just show empathy to her frustration, anger and sadness and follow through with a natural consequence that you can live with.
Remember that Anger and frustration feed misbehavior. it also ruins the child’s self concept, it can lead her to believe that “the most powerful people in the world cant even handle me, I must be really bad”
Show her that she is so easy to handle, it will benefit you when she is a teen because she will have learned at a very young age "my mom can handle the worst of me with out even breaking a sweat, so what makes me think I can get away with this now"
Its important to find what your morals are, do you really want to send her to school in her pajamas? If so, GREAT, Do it. The sooner, the better, don’t give her 3 strikes and she’s out, cops don’t do that when you’re speeding, she needs to learn about authority figures now. But if you would really never dream of sending her in her PJ’s unless you were clinically diagnosed as crazy, I’d suggest not sending the message that your daughter is so bad and so hard that she has the power to drive you to that state of mind.
I'd love to give more, but you can check out the web site loveandlogic.com for more tips and tricks on how to handle situations, there are tons of options.
There are a lot of tools to help parents, kids can drive us crazy, but only because we haven’t learned what to do. So we just do what ever. What ever is not safe for our kids.
Remember this, you can not tell a child what to do. You can only tell her what you will and will not do.
Now while there young, they may believe that you can tell them what to do. And it may appear that we actually can tell them what to do because when we do, they do it. But the truth is, there will come a day where she will start to think “my mom says I have to clean my room, but I really don’t have to, look, I can make my arms and legs do nothing (giggle) and watch how crazy she gets because she cant control me” well there right, you cant control them, only you, so learn what you can and cant – will or will not do. Its amazing what relationships come out of a love and logic home.
Stay away from anger, threats and warnings, and don’t ever tell a child what they should have learned, when they suffer a consequence, let them figure it out. They need to learn to think for them selves, and to tell them says “you’re not smart enough to figure it out, so I’ll have to tell you”. Believe me, at age 3, she is definitely smart enough. At age one, a child is smarter than the family poodle.
Whoops, this was longer than I thought it would be. But check out the web site if you want, and also listen to the “funny parenting stories” http://www.loveandlogic.com/audioclips.html , it really gives some fun insight on what love and logic is about.