She might not be ready, and I would say don't worry too much because it will definitely happen. But once you can get her to poop on the potty even once, she will get the concept and your problem should be over.
You might want to hang out in the bathroom with her while she sits on the potty for as long as she will tolerate it, especially if she has that "pooping" look or actions (forgive the description, but I bet you know what I mean). We had a book, "My Big Girl Potty" that I read over, and over, and over during those trips to the bathroom. I tried not to rely I any bribes since those will have to go away at some point, but we had very joyful celebrations and excited phone calls to grandma, daddy, etc. to help encourage continuing good outcomes.
Also, since it is summer, try letting her run around naked, or without any bottoms at least. My two girls would go in their panties like they were a diaper, but somehow seemed very aware that nothing on their bottom half meant that they needed to find the potty.
You're doing fine, hang in there!