When baby is ready--Could be in 20 minutes or 2 weeks...
With baby #1 I was 3 cm and 85% at 35 weeks.... was induced at 39 weeks (went in 3 cm and 100% effaced) and never got past 5 cm.
Congrats & enjoy these last few days of quiet nights!
So had my appt on fri and i was 3cm dialated and 70% effaced. Two weeks before that I was nothing. I will be 39 weeks tomorrow (mon) so when can I expect labor. I am in a lot of pain and so uncomfortable. I need this baby out!!!
When baby is ready--Could be in 20 minutes or 2 weeks...
With baby #1 I was 3 cm and 85% at 35 weeks.... was induced at 39 weeks (went in 3 cm and 100% effaced) and never got past 5 cm.
Congrats & enjoy these last few days of quiet nights!
Tonight or 2 weeks from now.
Congratulations, mama :)
I'd say within the next week but who knows....
I hate to tell you, but I walked around for like three weeks at 2cm dilated (can't remember how effaced I was, though). Anyway, I went to 41 weeks and then they induced. Could be tomorrow, could be in a couple of weeks! Then with my twins pregnancy, believe it or not, I was 3cm dilated for two weeks and 4cm by the time I went in and they still had to induce me!! Argh. I am just one of those people who can hold in a baby forever, which in the scheme of things is a good thing, but not when you're carrying around 7lb twins!! Anyway, I feel for you. You could try a few things: a friend did acupuncture and swore she went into labour right after; a few others did reflexology and also went into labour the night of; or there's just trying sex, eating spicy foods, drinking lots of raspberry tea and jumping up and down (kidding about the last one, but you might want to try walking around as much as possible as that's also known to bring on labour). Good luck and I feel for you!
I know lots of people say to walk and get active to get labor going, but from my experience, that just wears you out! Relax, take it easy, trust that your body was made to have a baby and wait until it starts. When it starts, I still say relax. I exhausted myself so badly with my first baby. It was a 36 hour labor (with a full day of no sleep before that), and I did the walking and being active...and by the end, I was about to die from exhaustion. With my next baby, when I started labor, I tried going to sleep instead of walking:-) I'm all about being as well rested as you can be! Labor WILL start when it's time.
You'll know you're in labor when you feel the labor pains. I get so many contractions prior - some are uncomfortable and they'll even be timeable, but once labor really starts, there is no doubt in my mind that I'm in labor.
I always plan for 42 weeks, no matter what dilation looks like. Then when labor comes prior to that, I am pleasantly surprised. Try to be patient. I'll make it that much easier. Take some nice baths and relax. The things that others have mentioned will get contractions going, but they don't really start labor. Labor will start when it's time.
Good luck!
I was 1 cm and 80% on a thurs w baby #3 and went into labor 2 days later 6 hours after my bloody show. Again, that was baby #3....if this is your first you might walk around a week or 3 even at 3cm and 70%....,sorry! Best wishes on your impending new arrival! Enjoy those last few days of wiggly baby in you-baby will appear soon enough and then you will be exhausted and sleep deprived! I much prefer pregnancy to the early days of newborn feedings :)
Let it be. You will birth your baby in a few days. Rest, don't do much and find a comfortable position to sit or lie down.
I wish you an easy delivery since you are having a slow labor at the moment.
Labor can come really fast but it will happen when your body is ready. You are coming right along. Rest and take it easy. So people say that they get an uncontrollable urge to clean or something active and that usually means that labor is near. I never did. Relax and rest up before the big day because you will need it.
Hi I. :)
I was exactly the same (3/70) with all 3 of my kids about 5 days before I had them. If you're in pain, maybe you're having contractions? Talk with your doctor and let them know how you're feeling. Congratulations on your baby!!
Start walking- walk as much as you can.
If your feet are very swollen, you may not be able to much though.
You're very lucky though- you've already got a good head start!! My labor started around 1pm, and it took me until around 4 AM- yes *AM* just to get to 4cm so I could get an epidural. You're already at 3 w/o even having started labor yet- plus 70% YAY!
Congratulations!! =o)
I was like that for several weeks. When I finally went into labor (my water broke) I never got past 4 cm. I ended up having a c-section.
Everyone's labor is different, but I was 3cm dilated and 70% or more effaced for over a month before I had my little one. Since I was advanced maternal age they wouldn't let me go past 40 weeks so I was induced and it went fine with no problems. Good luck to you. Hang in there. He/she will come when they're ready!
You can be that way for weeks. You'll know when your water breaks or you start contracting. Best wishes!