Please dont over-organize, that is one of my pet peeves. These kids just want to run around wild and play. They will have fun as long as they are all together, and cake is involved!
Dear Moms - hoping you can help me. How "organised" does a 3yo birthday party have to be? Last year we just had loads of kids and it was sort of a free for all. I had food for everyone, but nothing was organised - the kids played with each other and the toys and the parents sat around and chatted. Is this still ok for 3yo's? I was thinking of having one of those parties in an activity centre, but it seems extreme and like a lot of unnecessary expense for a 3yo. (I'm of course also worried if I do the activity centre THIS year, then it sets a president for "bigger-and-better' next year!) I don't quite want the chaos of last year, but at the same time I'd like it to be fun, relaxed and low-key. Any thoughts? Can I still get away with it though?! ;-) Thanks in advance!
Please dont over-organize, that is one of my pet peeves. These kids just want to run around wild and play. They will have fun as long as they are all together, and cake is involved!
The most organized we have gotten for 3 yr olds is a pinata and a pin the tail on the... (or whatever goes with theme if you do themes). Anything else, the kids lose interest. Also, at this age, losing a game can be a big deal and cause a lot of meltdowns (especially after the cake and icecream sugar rush). Id say do something simple where everyone wins, or nothing. Crafts are always cute too, if you have someone to stand and help them with it. I am usually way to busy for all that, but my friend has an older teen daughter and she loves helping the kids with stuff like that.
I went to a sixth birthday party recently and there were too many organized games! For three year olds I'd do nothing too organized, maybe a simple craft project. Four and up, one simple game.
To me, trying to "organize" a bunch of three year olds would be something akin to herding a room full of cats...frustrating for you AND the cats!!!! I would just have the toys and things there to let them entertain themselves and let them have at it. If you want fun, relaxed and low key that is the way to go.
Happy Birthday to your little one
At turning three, not too organized. I'd set up a sprinker, put out bubbles, playdough, coloring sheets and adults can help kids move through these unstructured activities.
I'm with everyone else. Don't try to organize, just unstructured fun outside. Maybe meet at the park? We have a park near us that has a "fort" theme with lots of climbing, ramps etc. Maybe something like that??
Yes you can still get away with doing nothing. Does your 3-yo actually play organized games OR does s/he just like playing with friends? My kids love a party and only expect 2 things- cake and friends!!
Good luck!
I wouldn't try to organize anything, it will be most enjoyable for you and the parents if you let them just play with the toys. Maybe one simple craft. Have fun!!