When my son was two all I was trying to do was make it to three. Then he turned three and all hell broke loose! I did not know who this little deomn spawn was, I mean I was freaking out and spent most of my time in tears. I am 36 weeks pg today so I am right there with you. He turned 3 in January and I was having such trouble with my pregnancy I did not know what to do! I have no family anywhere near us so I was hitting my wits end with his hissy fits and temper tantrums, he NEVER threw those before. The only thing that started working for us, and is still working, was reverse psycology. OK I KNOW that sounds nuts. But the more I wanted him to do something the more he fought me on it. So nowm I just tell him I do not want him to do something, or I just dont care if he does it or not. For example, I stopped making him a plate for a while because he would never eat. But I would tell him he could not eat off of mine. What do ya know, he is now eating better than ever. He too always loved taking a bath and playing in the pool. Well we started him on swimming lessons and OMG who is that kid screaming like a maniac. We tried 3 lessons and had to stop going. With the tub, I would run one for "ME" and tell him mommy is going to take a tubby, you go in there and watch tv. He would get upset and I would ask why. He would then offer to take his OWN tubby. Things like this went on for a while, and some days I still have to play that reverse card. But I am amazed how well it has worked out. ALSO I NEVER mention stuff about the baby when he is in a mood. Seems to freak him out more. Like I do not let my hubby tell him he has to start being good because we have a baby coming, or that he has to stop doing this or that because a baby is coming.
I do not know if I made a lot of sense, baby brain you know how it is. But I hope this helps. If you need a little support now and then just pop me an email. I know how it is. Also, there is another message board area that has helped me immensely. At www.babycenter.com they have birth boards for each month in each year. I belong to the January 2005 board, for my son, and I belong to the June 2008 board for our little man to come. It helps to talk to so many mommies in our boat.