I know you are going to get a LOT of different responses on this one. I personally experienced the same as you with my guy refusing formula and getting about 12 oz daily, if that! My Ped said no worries and he will eventually drink it again. And guess what? He did. Now of couse he is off formula and drinking milk which he hated at first but now loves. They can be so picky! M., do not worry. I know you will be told she needs to get the nutrition and such. Honestly, do what I did. Go see or call your Ped. They know best and can relax you better that any one of us could especailly if you get mixed opinions. Think about this: What did our moms do when they didn't have all this fancy formula and we were eating cereal at 2 weeks old? I know I was fed sugar water and oatmeal and bananas and that kind of stuff. And you know what? I am smart I am successful and hey I turned out pretty good!? :0)
Mix her baby cereal with her formula too... she will get it that way... I gave him cereal 3x a day and that included 2oz of formula each time too! So, don't worry and ask your Ped! Oh and yes, teething will cause them to pull away from the bottle but it won't last too long!
Good luck!