We offer dinner and that's what our daughter has. If it is something I know she doesn't truly like, then I will adapt hers slightly. Example - there is a pasta dish that she doesn't like the sauce. so i save out the noodles and she has those with butter and salt.
Do NOT make a seperate meal. You eat what is given to you. a night or two going to bed hungry will not hurt them and they will eat what you provide. if it is something truly 'new' or unusual then i offer cereal or mac'n cheese but it is MY choice.
you will drive yourself nuts making so many different meals and he'll never learn to try new things. we have her try it and then if she doesn't like it is 1 other dinner option - peanut butter, mac n cheese, cereal...
If he doesn't eat, he doesn't eat. trust me it may be hard the first few times but this works.
NO dinner NO dessert. PERIOD, that works when they see you having a 'treat' and they can't. i buy the little tiny ice cream cones for our daughter.