40.1 Weeks Pregnant and Absolutley Miserable!

Updated on November 30, 2008
B.C. asks from Azle, TX
15 answers

Good Morning ladies! Well, another night has come and gone for me:( I am 40 weeks and 1 day over due with my 2nd little girl. I really thought for sure she would be here by now considering my oldest DD was 5 days early and that this is my 2nd pregnancy. But as I know EVERY pregnancy is different. This little one is just super comfortable in there! I dont blame her. She's just not ready to enter this cruel, cruel world! One the other hand, I am super uncomfortable. I can't sleep, major hip and back aches (like a I am about to start my period). I've been have pretty strong contractions real close together for the past few days. Last night they were 5-7 min apart for an hour and then like that they just went away. Very frustrating, because I thought this was IT!! I've been having pretty sharp pains in my lower back since last Friday am. They also come and go. For the past 3 weeks I've only been dialted to a 1! Yesterday I was a 1 @ 75% effaced. What does that exactley mean? Anyhow, the doc wants to induce on Fri-Dec5th. Seems so far away (Next Friday). I really thought she'd be here by Thanksgiving! How can I make it another week! On another note, knowing this is my last baby I am very much enjoying this pregnancy, it's just the last few weeks are soooo miserable and all you can think about it getting this baby out! (lol) I just need some words of encouragement for you wonderful ladies. You all have been absolutley wonderful to me and I want to thank you ahead of time. I appreciate everything.


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So What Happened?

WOW! Thank you to all the wonderful ladies and your kind words of encouragment. It make s me feel a whole lot better knowing that I am not the only one out there who has felt this way durung the later part of pregnancies. I can say that I can find peace into knowing that there is some end in sight. I am now 3 days overdue and having all the same symptoms, but with no Miss Kailey:) I just know she will be here any hour, any minute:) I will defiantly keep you all posted on my progress through this amazing journey.

Thanks again and Blessings to all of you:)

More Answers



answers from Dallas on

What a little turkey....LOL.

Well, I do remember being SO uncomfortable, but that usually was a sign that she was coming in a couple of days. The fact that you are a 1 and 75% effaced just means that it is coming; when? Well, it could be today. It is not a gauge of when. My second child, I was a 3 and 75% effaced on Friday and did not deliver until the following Wednesday....so it just depends. Make it a holiday to take care of YOU. I would pamper myself and hope it sparked the process quicker....it will only work if you are already in the early stages of labor....which you may very well be. Get a pedicure---a nice one where they massage your legs. Drink a pumpkin spiced latte at Starbucks....this got my first labor going quick. I was already in the early stages I guess, I did not know I was, but I was uncomfortable all day. I met a friend at Starbucks and within 20 minutes my water broke and we were on to a fast labor. Later a lady told me that women used to say nutmeg would aid in your labor...well, guess what was in the latte??? Coincidence, maybe. But I would try it again...and besides they are so yummy.

Hang in there....take care of you....


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answers from Lubbock on

Dear B.:

All of your discomfort has not been for nothing. I predict that you will have the fastest and easiest delivery ever! I was just about to go to the hospital after an hour of contractions just like you described - and then nothing. When I finally did go into labor, I had two contractions in an hour period, and then my labor began in earnest. I was only dilated to a 2, but just a 1/2 hour after labor really began, I was holding a baby in my arms. The prior pains were working me towards this point.

Good Luck!

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answers from Dallas on

Oh, gosh I remember this feeling. I have a 4 1/2 month old. This is our last one as well. I do remember the anxiety towards the end and just hoping with each doctor visit that they would be sending me to the hospital. However, do your best to remember that it is almost the end of your pregnancy journey. Knowing this is going to be the LAST pregnancy you will ever have try to treasure each day b/c once your little one is born your pregnant belly will be a distant memory. I can't even remember what it felt like to be pregnant now :( I look down and see a lasting bulge of fat that is still left from my most recent pregnancy. I am saddened that I tried to rush it because she now a little over 4 months. I can't believe it!!! Just know that it will be here before you know it; and gone in a second. Try to concentrate on something new each day.

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answers from Dallas on

I think all your discomfort lately means you will have a much quicker & easier labor! Your body is "laboring" now, just with less intensity. That is the good news! Your little one will be here before you know it. Hang in there and try to think positive thoughts and picture your body opening up and having the delivery of your dreams.

My second wasn't late, she was a couple days early, but my early labor was similar to what you are experiencing. It is tiring and frustrating, I know.

I wish you easy labor vibes! Good luck.

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answers from Amarillo on

All my babies were late! 10, 3, 5, and 4 days, in order. Wth my first I felt like I would be prenant forever! I had an appointment to be induced on 17th December, so was completely unprepared when I went into labor in the 13th! After 15 hours (which put us on the 14th) my lovely baby girl was born. Sh'll be 17 in a few weeks!

It goes by so quickly, try and enjoy it!! I realised that as soon as the baby is born our job is to teach it to be independant, strong, and eventually leave us - this is the closest you will ever be. I know it's hard, but you'll be fine. Sorry, I don't have any tips that haven't already been posted.

Good luck, Happy Thanksgiving, and I know you will all have a wonderful Christmas together!

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answers from Dallas on

Well, I guess I am going for the humor because none of us can help you to nudge this along.

None of mine wanted to come and my middle one was 9lb 12oz. First was induced due to blood pressure issues, 2nd was a scheduled c-section. The third was also a scheduled c-section because I had gestational diabetes and they wanted me to deliver so my system could right itself. I actually went into labor at minight but because of my insurance, if I had delivered the baby, my tubal would have been six grand instead of $600. So, I have had three babies without ever feeling like I have "had" one, lol.

OK, this helped post-c-section so maybe it will give you some relief, try sleeping in the recliner. It lets you "lay down" enough to go to sleep and might allow you to position better to be somewhat comfortable. I would also recommend taking a gazillion baths. Whether I am sick, or tired, or just when I get cold and can't seem to get warm, a hot bath always makes me feel better. It won't probably last for long but if it helps you to get even a half hour or hour of relief, do it.

As miserable as you currently are, remember that the baby is a different type of tired so this is your opportunity to try to rest as much as possible. I have arthritis in my back and sometimes taking a few moments to concentrate on breathing can help when I am really hurting. Also, you are carrying a girl so you might want to journal this last week. My daughter loves hearing stories about my pregnancy and delivery with her.

Remember, this too shall pass and in just a week, you will have a lovely little girl and this discomfort will already seem a dim memory. I was horribly ill the first trimester with all three and as most women, had the different discomforts of each stage, but I just reminded myself it was just 9 months of my life, not a huge big deal, so you have 7 days. Just take each day as it comes and think of it as getting through that day.

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answers from Dallas on

Hang in there! You may have her before Dec 5th. My son turned 14 today and when I was pregnant with him, I was overdue. I ended up going in BEFORE I was scheduled to be induced. I remember being miserable too...but don't worry you'll forget about it once you see her beautiful face!

Try sleeping with lots and lots of pillows and stay off your feet. Try doing things to take your mind off of it...things you like. Rent a TV show series and watch it all or something like that. I don't know ...trying to help. That would work for me b/c I like TV. I also did a lot of puzzle books b/c that was my thing.

Don't worry! Relax...you're in the home stretch!

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answers from Wichita Falls on

I was 42w5d - and walking around the mall 3 miles a day, mopping every night, eating mexican food and going for bumpy rides. I felt your pain. :) It ended up being a positional thing combined with a big head - if the baby is heads down and faced back, you might try squats - to open your pelvis, bring the baby down to push on it and dilate/efface it more.


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answers from Dallas on

Sex and spicey foods are supposed to help induce. And if not then at least you'll have had a great time and feel content!

Also, my first baby was big 9'2oz and I was fully effaced but his head was too big to get out, so I had a c-section. But that's not a big deal. The baby is the big deal!

Good luck and try to enjoy yourself.

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answers from Dallas on

God Bless You B.,
I don't think you'll make it until next Friday, but try to make the most of what's left of your pregnancy. Enjoy the food tomorrow if you're not in the hospital. I always thought it was easier to take care of my babies when I was carrying them, so for the last two, I wanted to wait until the last minute to have them. All my babies were born on Mondays, so maybe your daughters will be the same. I think it was just my kids. If you really want to have that baby, tell your husband to spend some quality time with you. It does work, I had my last one two days afterward.
Tomorrow let everyone take care of you, you'll have some extra hands around, if you are a close family, let them rub your back and feet. I know it can be very uncomfortable but try to enjoy the last few days.
God Bless and may everything go smoothly!

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answers from Allentown on

Hang in there! Your sweet baby girl will be here soon, and you'll forget all about being late. You'll probably even look back and think of it as a blessing... I know I did. My third and last baby girl was 10 days late, but she came out perfect, and in her perfect timing (one day before my scheduled induction!) I know the discomfort you're feeling, and the frustrations with stop and start contractions; just try to cherish these last few hours/days of feeling that sweet baby moving inside of you. Spend a little special time with your daughter, Mackenzie, and with your husband while you're waiting. Best wishes to you! ~C.

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answers from Dallas on

Try to relax! She'll come when she'll come--this is only the first time you will feel not in control when it comes to your kids. With my first child, I had gone past my due date so an induction was scheduled for a Friday. That actually allowed me to relax and at least know when that little sucker was finally coming. On the day before the induction, I had planned to do all kinds of "this is the last time before kids" things and I thought my Braxton-Hicks were pretty strong--I had given up on the baby coming in his own time! Turns out it was real labor and the baby was born a little after midnight on the scheduled induction date anyway--5 days late. btw, it may sound out of the question, but having sex may help induce labor--not the activity but the seman--really! Also, keep moving as much as possible--that'll help.

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answers from Dallas on

I just had my second on 8/28. He was due on the 15th- 13 days late! (Not what you want to hear when you are overdue.) I was scheduled for a c-section (because I had one prior) for the next day. I was extremely uncomfortable (he was 10 lbs, 5 oz.) We tried everything to start labor and sex and nipple stimulation finally started it. Induction is quite painful; that's what happened w/ my first and he ended up a C-section. I would ask your dr. if you can wait up to 2 weeks. Being effaced and dilated doesn't mean anything, unless you're walking around dilated to an 8. I know nobody wants to be miserable longer, but the baby knows when he/she should come out. Good luck



answers from Dallas on

I feel for you! I was due 11th October this year and had my last midwife appt set up for the 13th. I thought that was really optimistic - my oldest daughter was born at 36+1, so I didn't really know if I'd make it that far. I really enjoyed this last pregnancy (the only one of 3 that I've had that would be considered normal, i.e., no complications except my age, which didn't make a difference), but when I got to week 36, I woke up one day to horrible pain. I had developed Pelvic Symphysis Dysfunction - something that has an incredibly high incidence in Norway, which is where I currently live. Mercy me, I thought I'd die. I could feel my pelvic bones grinding against each other and my active life came to a screeching halt. While I hoped my baby would come so I could be rid of this pain, I liked being pregnant. What a quandry. Well, at my appt on the 13th, they checked me and I was nowhere near ready to give birth, but scheduled me to be induced the next day. On the way home, the hospital called and said I had to wait to the 15th for the induction because they had too many deliveries scheduled and too many women in labor and not enough rooms. I was reasonably irritated, but what to do? It was elective, so I had to wait. My induction was started at 10am on the 15th and my baby finally came at 10pm on the 16th of October. I had tried everything up to that point that I could: sex, spicy food, walking, going up steps, nipple stimulation - nothing helped. Only that magical pill I got (3 doses, I don't induce so easily; this was my 3rd induction) made my kid come, and I really wonder when she had planned on coming if she hadn't been "forced" out. She was quite cozy in there.

Best wishes to you! My baby will be 6 weeks old tomorrow and your post just brings back so many memories.



answers from Dallas on

Almost a year and a half ago, I was in the same position. I was just past my due date and so uncomfortable that I cried at times. Couldn't sleep or eat much, went to the bathroom constantly. I finally went into labor in the middle of the night. The day before my induction was scheduled. I had a 9 lb. 13 oz. boy which explains why I was so uncomfortable. If I can get through it, anyone can. Just focus on the light at the end of the tunnel-Dec. 5th at the latest! You can make it a few more days. Let your family know how you're feeling and let them wait on you as much as possible. Good luck and congratulations!!! I'll be thinking of you!

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