My daughter had the same and it took about 2 weeks for it to be completely out of her system! Hang in there!
My 5 month old had a short lived stomach virus over a week ago. She no longer is symptomatic, but we've noticed that she has continued to be a little fussier than usual, and is not as intersted in eating as she was prior (though she is eating enough-just not as in to eating her cereal as she used to be). Just wanted to see if this is normal behavior or if I need to take her back in to see the doctor. She has been fever, diar, vomit free for over a week now...how long till she gets back to herself?
My daughter had the same and it took about 2 weeks for it to be completely out of her system! Hang in there!
You as her mother know your baby better than anyone. While her behavior could be perfectly normal, trust your intuition and take her in if you think you'd like the doctor to take a look. Better safe than sorry! I don't want to scare you but I lost my 8 year old son to sudden liver failure following a virus a little over a year ago. I would never recommend to anyone that they don't take it seriously. Listen to your gut instincts and do what you think is best.
I never like to discourage a mama from seeking a doctor's opinion, so please don't take this that way...
But both my two year old DD and I had the same stomach virus, and it took us between 2 and 3 weeks(!!) to feel somewhat normal again. It really drained us of energy and zapped our desire to eat more than necessary to survive. Sadly, I am back to eating normally, I could have stood to keep that side effect for much longer, IYKWIM!!! :)
I hope your angel is simply feeling the same way. Unfortunately, we both acquired a cold at the end of our recovery from the stomach virus. :(
Best wishes and God bless!!
Hi K. - welcome to motherhood! :) This could probably be a few things but our son did the same thing - heck, our 5 year old twins do this too! It's like they are afraid to eat or drink b/c they associate it with throwing up or having diarrhea (sp). Our son is 15 mo old and would CRY when we showed him on of his sippy cups b/c it was the one we put his pedialite in - go figure. One of our twins just got over the flu and said she didn't want water or Sprite b/c that is what made her sick....if she doesn't eat or drink in a day I would take her back in b/c little one's dehydrate so darn fast.
Hang in there, you're doing great!
Hi K.,
My son who was 17 month old had the same stomach bug and it took him three to four weeks to be back to 100%, even though he was pretty much over the vomiting, upset tummy, and the runs within three to four days. Hang in there, before you know it you all will be back to normal.
When my son was 8 mos. old, he got a stomach bug. It took him
2 months before he was eating normally.
It sounds like your little one had the flu. If its been one week, then you have about one more week to go I know this because I, and the rest of my family have recently gotten over
the flu. It lasted about 10 days with all of us!!! It starts with vomiting/diahrea, then you have stomach pains for several days, and they are NOT FUN!!! Then, the pains get better, but you still feel yucky...and just when you think its about all gone...(around day 7 or 8)it comes back and you feel terrible again for a day or so, then it seems to go away. She is so little, it may take her 2 weeks before she feel her old self again. I didn't feel like even looking at food for almost 10 days! Have patience, sounds like she is getting better, it just takes time...Best of luck, S.
It might take a little while for her to trust food again, since it probably made her feel bad when she ate when she was sick. As long as her symptoms are gone and she doesn't run a fever, I would bet that it is just a behavioral reaction to being sick. A lot of infants/kids take a little time to adjust back to normal after sickness. Try really light foods, like applesauce or mix it with the cereal to see if the sweeter flavor will coax her to eat more. She is also a prime age for teething and a lot of babies will not take anything but a bottle when their gums hurt, so that might be another possibility. Good Luck!!
I would give it another day or two and if you still feel iky about it then take her in ... if nothing else it will make you feel better. Most babies take a while to get back into the swing of things when changes in routine occur and sickness usually is a HUGE change.
My 12 month old has just recovered from the same virus and is back to her old self..
I think your child is being fussy not form the virus but could be from a number of things like teething pains or growing pains also sometimes if you introduce new foods this will make them a little fussy as well.
Try to smooth your baby by taking a walk with her or giving her a relaxing bath and after a baby massage (this works wonders)!!
If your child is not showing any signs of illness than be safe to think he will be back to his old self in no time. Good Luck.
My family has recently recovered from a similar virus and it took us about three weeks to all feel "normal" again. I think it just takes time to fully recover.