Cramping is normal. What you're most likely feeling is the round ligament around your uterus stretching, as your uterus starts to grow for the baby. It's 100% normal, and it only on one side...which can lead you to believe that it's in your tubes. It's very likely not, especially if you've already had an ultrasound. You'll continue to feel this throughout your pregnancy as the baby grows, BTW. You'll just be more clear about what the pain is as you get further along.
For the bleeding, it's also normal...or not. I bled with my first.
At the time, all the doctor can tell you is that there is nothing you can do to stop a miscarriage. You're either going to or not.
If the bleeding and cramping has already stopped, that's a very good sign and you're probably fine. The bleeding was likely from the ultrasound.