I have 5 children, my daughter being the last. My daughter (now 13 months) went through he same thing at the age of 6 months. She slept wonderful until those 3 weeks. As far as meds. I can understand why you do not want to medicate. I am a all Organic and Natural person myself, but from what I understand from my Natural Doctor, teething for some children is as painful as an adult having a root canal without any medication. We tried the natural teething tablets and they just did not do the trick. So, at night we used a natural Orajel and 1/2 dose of infant Motrin. That seemed to do the trick for teething. I just could not stand to hear my daughter in that much pain and figured even if I used the Motrin fir 3 weeks, she was still better off. Pain can do even worse things to the body than meds can.
What we figured out with my daughter was that she was waking up with night terrors. Which in her world could mean she did not get milk right away when she was dreaming or mama did not pick her up right away when she wanted it in her dream. Her doctor suggested the hard approach with me to try and get her to comfort herself back to sleep. So, for 1 1/2 week I had to listen to my baby girl wail at the top her of lungs each night and do nothing about it. I did go check on her in 10 minute intervals... adding and addition 10 minutes each time. I would tell her it was time for night night and lay her back down and walk out. My doctor had said she thought it would take her about 3 days to get the hang of things and that she would only cry for 1 1/2 hour at the most. It lasted 11 days and she would cry hard for 3 - 4 hours and then go to sleep. But, she finally got it. She did it again at 11 months old, but it only lasted 3 nights and for 1 - 2 hours top and then she stopped.
As far as vaccines, we opt to get vaccines that are preserved in Saline and seem to have no reactions with them. She did have a bad reaction after her 6 month ones here her eyes swelled shut, she ran a fever of 103.5 and she whimpered every 20 minutes in her sleep after her shot. But, after some much needed meds from her doctor, she was fine 2 days later.
My daughter was BF, so she began fruits and veg's at 6 months and we stayed away from the cereal since it is so hard to digest. She got all her vitamins and iron she needed from the food I made her. It was rather simple, steam the Organic veggies and mill them up. Cut up the Organic fruit and mill it up. I got a electric miller for 10 bucks brand new. Hope our experience has helped you a bit.