Tabtha S,
What food are you feeding him? Have you consulted with your Ped. Dr.?
Here are a few tips that I have. My premature son (born at 32 weeks), who is now 2 years old, had constipation problems before he was eating solid food. Our Ped. Dr. put him on prune juice 1 ounce with every feeding. I use Sunsweet the smallest bottle they make. Prune juice last along time. I’m on my second bottle. I followed the Dr. orders 1 ounce with every feeding, which was way too much it caused diahrea. So start out slow about 5 cc ounce a day (1 ounce = 30 cc). If there no poop then increase the prune juice. Either do another dose of prune juice at next feeding which is what I do until he poops or give another dose the next day. You will figure out what works for your baby. Believe me prune juice work better then suppositories. Also my Ped Dr. had consulted with gastric Ped Dr. for another patient of her before she put my son on the prune juice.
Because my son had constipation before going on solid food, my Ped Dr. did not put my son on rice cereal. He started out on baby plain oatmeal. My Ped Dr. told me to stay away from the following binding foods: Apples, Bananas, and Carrots. Just remember A, B, C. Also orange food is more acidic which can cause stomach upset. A good source of fiber and is not acidic is pears. My son ate a lot of peas and pears and still does. He still doesn’t like green beans. When I finally introduced the 3 binding foods only apples and carrots cause my son constipation. Believe or not bananas give my son diahrea. He loves apples and bananas. I just have to watch how much banana he eats. He doesn’t like carrots. Carrots are in all baby food, which makes buying baby food hard. I complained to Gerber and Beachnut but neither of them cared.
I have been through a lot because my son was premature. He came home from the hospital on an apnea monitor and medication for reflux. He had premature apnea. Reflux and apnea go hand and hand. He came off the apnea monitor when he was 5 months old. He stopped reflux medication at 18 months. I was very careful about solid food. Also my son decided to be a gagger. Premature babies have problems with texture thus the gagging problems. I thought solid food would be easy boy was I wrong. It took over a month for my son not to gag on Cheerios. He still has texture problems but he is getting better. He was on baby food longer because of gagging problems.
Because my son was premature we saw the Ped. Dr. a lot. First it was every week, then every other week, then every three weeks, then once a month. I ask a lot of questions. Don’t be afraid to call your Ped. Dr. and talk to them or go see them if that the only way to have more then a 2 minute conversation with them. Get to know the Ped. Dr. staff. They get paid to help.
I hope this helps. If I can help with anything else let me know.