Hey R.,
Just to let you know, my three-year-old son does the same thing at his Early Childhood class. He's so excited when we get there, as soon as he sees his teacher, he's OFF!! While all the other kids are giving their moms/dads hugs and kisses and, "I love yous", my son doesn't even look back. It doesn't bother me, his teachers know he loves me. He has a lot of fun and learns a ton in class.
When I picked him up after class, I would ask him, "ready to go home for lunch?" He'd say, "NO!" I'd joke around with his teachers saying they could keep him all day. (He's in half days). He's just recently started riding the bus home after class so he'd have something else to look forward to.
So, try not to let it get you down. Your daughter seems to like things out of the ordinary routine...that's great! She gets excited to see other people, and let me tell you that's soooo much better than the opposite!! What if she cried uncontrollably when you dropped her off? When she gets older what if she started saying, "No mommy, don't leave me!" I'm sure that would just tear out your heart!! So be excited she's excited and has fun.
And no... this situation does NOT reflect on you or your parenting style. All kids act differently to different situations, so please don't sweat it!! You're doing a great job!! Relax and know your daughter is taken well care of!!
Have a great rainy day! ls