Check out the post on this same question Dec 29, 2008
I responded back then, but here is a suggestion for your little boy.
This is a stage. I know everyone will tell you the same thing. Is your son sitting up on his own? Is he crawling? If not I bet he is about to meet a developmental milestone. This is the edge of a huge development, either before or after a development. I am guessing fully crawling it also sounds like he is about to go through a huge growing spurt. He may need more sleep and more brain food. He may be ready to eat some baby food.
But, this can also be a sign she is not feeling well, you will just need to watch and see.
If he is about to meet a development, help him to accomplish this. If it is crawling, help him with lots of tummy time, and shiny toys for him to crawl towards. If he already crawls, he may be ready to start standing, let him hold onto your fingers. Let him reach up and grasp onto a sofa. Make a tunnel under some blankets and let him crawl to you. And then let him crawl up a stack of folded blankets or sofa cushions.
If he is sitting up on his own, help him learn to sit in his high chair and watch you do chores. I used to roll my daughter into the kitchen while I cleaned. I would give her a wash cloth and let her “clean the tray”. Let him sit there and play with toys. This will strengthen his back. Have him “clean some dishes.” Sometimes, I would also put my child on my back in a carrier while I did tasks. She loved being able to look over my shoulder at what I was doing. Vacuuming, making beds, even raking leaves outside
Give him tasks to help you rather than picking him up (distraction). Hand him a toy, point to items that you want him to crawl to. Hand him a handled canvas bag filled with toys, books, cloths and let him rummage through it. Give him a box full of toys. Play hide and seek with his toys under a blanket or towel.
Remember to also get your husband to play with him more. This will make him a playmate as much as you and can give you a break.