Hi C.,
I have a Two and half year old. When he was one he got Hives for the first time and we too had not give him any new foods or changed any routine of soaps est...
His doc told us the "it's just something kids can get/do from time to time and it will go away do not worry about it, give him Benadryl"
Well over that following winter it got worse and he was having them all the time! Especially after Christmas. So I took him back in and his doc was not there that day so we saw another doc. This doc was WAY more helpful and talked to us about every time he had them what he ate. He was convinced it was a food allergy. The one thing in common was Chocolate, Coco to be exact.(he had lots of chocolate in his stocking) Well I told the Doc that there where times when my son had coco but did not break out. And this is what he told me that made ALL the sense in the world and now from motoring my son I know is true: "Not all food allergies are a true allergy but can be an intolerance, for food intolerance show up in different ways and for our son his body can handle the intolerance when he is healthy BUT when his immune system is down; he has been sick with something or when he gets an extra amount of the food; during those times he body struggles with processing the coco and as a result his body fights it with hives.
I wish you the best in finding why she has them and pray for comfort for you both.
J. Miller