New borns go through cycles, and 6weeks is waaaaay too early to sleep train a baby. There is really nothing you can do but go through the motions. Whenever he sleeps you should too, even during the day. It will help some. Some things to try are leaving the lights off or really low, don't talk to him at night, and feed him and put him down. See if he falls asleep on his own, but again it's too early to let him cry it out. Also, whenever he is sleeping no matter how long it has been or how much your breasts hurt, or how close it is to bedtime, DO NOT WAKE HIM at this stage! I did with my son, and set myself up for a long life of sleep problems. Im still having trouble with his sleep patterns and I swear it is because I woke him to try to keep him awake during the day. Sleep begets sleep. My daughter can wake from a late 3 hour nap and still go to bed by 9:30-10, she's 11 weeks. Truth is this behavior is pretty normal for 6weeks. Usually with breast fed babies you can expect them to wake up every three hours for a feeding, and want to be awake with you for a while after. You will be ok though, just hang in there. Soon enough it will be easier, and you'll miss when he was so small. Cherish those nights together (I know much easier said than done). My son is 21 months and when he looks at me and screams at the top of his lungs and runs away, I really miss those nights. As they get bigger so do the problems. LOL. you will be ok, and this won't become a habit, just a stage. This is why parents to newborns look like Zombies.