It's really fairly simple. You need to start with the plain cereals...rice, oatmeal, mixed, barley....over a few weeks. Mix them with breast milk or formula to whatever consistency works best. It doesn't hurt to feed it to her through a matter what the doctors say. You can start with a couple of tablespoons and gradually at more until she is eating between 1 and 4 tablespoons at a feeding. You will want to watch her bowel movements. If they get too dry or she becomes constipated, then you will need to start a fruit. No juices yet. Now, you need to remember to try one new food at a time...four days in a row...before adding another. Then start the second cereal...four days in a row...etc. Soon she'll be on a variety of cereals. Now, anywhere in there or after the cereals start the pears. They are easiest to begin with and help to clear their system if they are constipated. Pears....four days in a row....the tiny 2 ounce first foods...or a portion of the 4 ounce size. Then move right on through the fruits and vegetables. No meats. I usually alternate the on Monday...yellow on on Wednesdays...etc., once you know for sure the foods don't cause a reaction...(diaper rash, skin rash on cheeks or tummy, throwing/spitting up too much. She won't need meats until she's between 8 and 10 months. By then she should be eating three meals a day. If you want, I can send you a list of food suggestions for 8 months and older.
Breakfast: cereal and fruit, milk (start a sippy cup or straw to use occasionally, now that she's sitting up. Water with meals and feedings of breast milk or formula upon waking in the morning....mid morning....mid afternoon...bedtime.
Lunch: cereal, vegetable, fruit.
Dinner: cereal, vegetable, fruit.
Snacks: mid morning milk/mid afternoon milk/bedtime snack.
When you start the meats...give it to her at lunch and again at dinner instead of the cereal.
Start her on a spoon as soon as possible. They catch on really fast.
Be happy with feeding her the first foods until she is used to them...then you can switch her to the 2nd foods...the four ounce jars.
We rarely do the 3rd foods here in my daycare...because around 10 or 11 months old they begin to enjoy feeding themselves finger foods...starting with french fries, green beans, etc. Anything they can hold in their hands.
But, there are some good meals in the 6 ounce jars, if you decide to use them...cereal, fruits, veggies and meat combinations. They get plenty of protein from 1/2 of a 2 ounce jar of meat. But they never need more than 2 ounces of meat in a meal. No problem with the veggies and fruit. Don't force the issue on Any foods. Just try them again in a few weeks. It can become a power struggle. Juice can come later...if at all. It can ruin their teeth. No citrus, eggs or peanut butter until after a year of age. Always be careful of peanut butter. No nuts until they are old enough to spell the word.
applesauce, cheese and bananas are tightening....if they have diahrrea.
If they are constipated...pears, prunes, and plums will help loosen things.
You will notice your breast milk slowing down as you stop letting her breast feed so often. You can do it gradually and eventually move her on over to formula. The more you let her nurse, the longer it will take. She will be ready for whole milk by 12 months of age. When you start the whole milk, start giving her a multi-vitamin each day. Polyvisol is the traditional one. She needs the fat in whole milk until age 2. Don't cut her fats until that age. They need the fat for brain cell development.
Email me and I'll send you the guidelines we use in daycare. Something you can refer back to...if you worry that she's not eating enough. I've had an in home daycare for over 20 years and have raised two daughters of my own. Now I have 4 grandchildren. Look me up at
Good luck and God bless!