My son is now two and has done the same same thing. I would discuss this with your doctor and if they do not seem concerned change doctors as we had to do. At that age i dont believe it is an experiment. I am not a doctor however my on has been hospitalized off and on since birth for this problem. I am going to list a few things however it could not have anything to do with your situation. My son was diagnosed with allergies and asthma. If it is untreated it can cause this problem. Also my son was diagnosed with a premature esophegus wich he has outgrown. Even though he was full term instead of the milk being pumped out it was coming back up. As the milk or anything coms up from your stomach it burns. They called this acid reflux. My baby was also allergic to lactose wich runs in my family. If there is something she is allergic to in the milk it could cause her to stop breathing or hesitate. Wheat, lactose, etc. Can cause brething problems. Also enlarged tonsils and or annoids. I hope i spelled this correctly. My son gets tests done for this every six months to a year. Some doctors will tell you that babies do not have allergies this is not true. If they can catch a cold they can have sinuses and allergies as well. Just as a baby can break out in a rash as a reaction to certain things. This proves babies are just like us just smaller and dependent on us. My son is a very healthy boy although all of this has happened. He still has some episodes. If your childs doctor finds that putting her on medicine to temporarly treat the problem there are more benefits than not. I was very against medicine and i still am. However it allowed him to survive until his body was able to better function. I dont know if you believe in the power of prayer but that is also what got me through and i believe healed my son as well. As for a seven month old experimenting again i dont think they logically understand that. Now a two year old throwing a fit yes perfectly normal. Also if anyone smokes in or around her can cause this. I had to stop visits from my mother who found smoking more inportant than her grandson because even the smell in someones clothing can trigger this also. Also make sure she is not getting to warm or cool in her sleep.some babis are born more warm or cold natured. My son is very hot natured as i was burning up with him while i was pregnant most of the winter. Even in the aircondition i put him in a t-shirt. Sometimes household chemicles or a plug in that may be to strong. Also pets can give allergies. Babies are very sensitive and delicate. If there is a fan to close her it can take the breathe out of her. I just tossed some ideas out there i hope this will be of help.