Honestly she needs milk MORE than solids. Baby food is nothing but flavored goo to teach her to chew and swallow. It has the most minimal nutrition in it at all.
She's so young always nurse/bottle first to fill her up then give her some bites of table food to pick up and put in her mouth. She can still learn to feed herself but needs that complete nutrition in your breastmilk or her formula.
If her throat is red it hurts to swallow thick goo. She gets more nutrition from the milk than the food.
What happens is this. A mom feeds the baby their milk for months and months. The baby is happy and content to have this. It completely gives them all the nutrition they need. Then they get a bit bigger and need more nutrition.
Instead of giving them as much milk as the need they start feeding them baby food, which has nothing in it. It fills them up but their bodies are screaming for vitamins and nutrients so they cry and they get fed more baby food. They are full for a bit but the food doesn't satisfy their basic needs to they cry and want more but instead of feeding them their nutritious milk they get more food and it has nothing in it they need.
So it appears they are a good eater and they're getting fat/gaining weight. But it's because the baby food isn't digesting and doing them any good. It's turning to fat and they're starving inside.
Please give her more milk, as much as she can drink but not all at once, that fills the tummy too much and then it comes back up.
She has plenty of time to eat food when she's older. It also can go into her tummy and be hard to digest so it sits there and rots. Making her GERD even worse.