Here is a suggestion way out in left field but in the spirit of reverse psycology here goes. If any child thinks that they "know better than you" SHOW them that they do not. At any age when a child thinks they are able to "handle" anything better than the adult you can not simply tell them. Kids have selective hearing,you must show them they are not quite up to the task. Scenero... Why do I have to do everything? You treat me like a slave. (you're thinking Oh really!)Response- "If I'm such a slave driver when I tell you to please clean your room then let me show you just how much you don't do. Here is the list of things I do around here that you are not asked or required to do." Give your child a written list and make it pretty big. No chore is too small. Wash dishes,take out the trash,vaccum,sweep and mop kitchen floor,fold clothes, fix dinner,load washing maching,clean EVERY room,get the mail,ect. Then inform them that this list is now theirs and You will be more than happy to clean their room. No choice, today is Freaky Friday for now. Subject 2 When your child thinks that they are "way smarter" than you. Again show tham how wrong they are. Choose a situation that requires an adult decision and if they give you the wrong answer or way to handle it, give the fully detailed reason why it won't work. Be creative, create a situation that is so extreme that any of her answers would end in disasterous results, then give her the right answer and explain that she is NOT stupid she simply doesn't have the knowledge or experiance you do and make sure she understands that you make the tough and easy decisions for her because of this and that you love her so much that you want her to have a long healthy life so that she can be as smart or smarter than you someday. I would love to talk to you more on this subject so I will send you a private message with my #. I really am sincere about wanting feedback from you or anyone else about my advise. Feel free to contact me, B.