Hi A., I am a mother of four, ranging in age from 5-20. My first born was a month premature and weighed 5lb at birth, dropping weight, of course, from there. His first year was as difficult as the one you are experiencing. My suggestion is that you take your daughter to see Dr. Duncan Riddell at Puget Sound ENT, www.pugetsoundent.com. He has treated all four of my children for their ear, nose and throat issues. Also, it is very important to realize that a temperature of 98.6, which is considered "normal" is not normal for everyone. My normal body temperature is near 96, each of my children have a normal body temperature that is not 98.6. It is good when they are young to keep a consistent diary of her body temperature and educate yourself, through these forums and others, regarding every viral/bacterial infection she contracts. My second child who was only 6 lb at birth (I am small, my normal weight is about 100 and I weighed about 125 when my kids were born) and she had rsv. This is something they must grow out of, they have to weigh enough for their body to fight it. Another thing to know is that your daughter will be much healthier if her bed is on an inside wall, as no matter how much insulation your home or apartment has, there is always a temperature drop when near an outside wall. I always keep my kids beds away from the outside wall and away from the window. This has helped tremendously. So, my first advice is to get your daughter into an ENT (ear nose & throat specialist), Dr. Riddell is my favorite ~ He is absolutely a brilliant man, conservative, but willing to do what is necessary to walk your young family through this crisis. Secondly, educate yourself in the medical field. As a mother, you need to be a part-time nurse...so read, read, read. Read about pediatric sinus infections, ear infections, pneumonia and rsv...and everytime something new pops up, make yourself an expert so that when you see your pediatrician you can make good judgment calls so that you will know whether your pediatrician is really doing everything he/she can to assist you...thirdly, make sure she is sleeping on an inside wall...and, if I didn't mention this earlier, make sure you take care of yourself through this. It's important that your daughter realizes that mommy can't be the best mommy possible unless she has time to recuperate herself. Teach your daughter to entertain herself, make sure she is learning to fall asleep on her own, if she isn't in her own room, get her in one...make it her own little sanctuary, so that your room can be your sanctuary. You can't be Wonder Woman unless you can recuperate and have at least a smidget of time to yourself. You just gave birth 8 months ago and you've had a lot to deal with in those 8 months, a lot to adjust to and work on top of that. The other issue is daycare, if she is in a large daycare, you may want to find one that is a little smaller. She is going to contract viruses at daycare, minimizing that exposure will help both of you....and my last piece of advice is allergy testing. This would be great to get done while she is little and will forget it rather quickly. Her issues may be solely related to an allergy and so one med could stop all of these issues from recurring.
Good luck & sorry to be so long winded. Please feel free to write to me if you have any other questions. And please know that my two oldest are now 17 & 20, they are thriving, successful young adults...so, this too shall pass. You're on a journey and it's long and windy, but you'll get there and the memories you make along the way you will take with you and cherish forever.
D. P.